FBI: Most Wanted · Episode 3x19 'Whack Job'

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The team goes after the killer of a man in witness protection but finds there’s more to the case than meets the eye. Also, Remy is challenged by what he discovers when he reconnects with his mother, Betsy, in person.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Schwarze Witwen

Das FBI-Team ermittelt in einem Mordfall, der die erfahrenen Agenten vor eine enorme Herausforderung stellt, denn das Opfer war Teil eines Zeugenschutzprogramms. Während hinter der Tat womöglich mehr steckt, als es zunächst den Anschein hat, wird Remy von familiären Problemen abgelenkt.

France French (Français)

Petits arrangements entre amies

L'équipe se lance à la poursuite du tueur d'un homme sous protection des témoins, mais découvre que l'affaire est plus complexe qu'il n'y paraît. De plus, Rémy est mis au défi par ce qu'il découvre lorsqu'il reprend contact avec sa mère, Betsy, en personne.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Folle amicizia

La squadra dà la caccia all'assassino di un uomo sotto protezione testimoni, ma scopre che nel caso c'è di più di quanto sembri. Inoltre, Remy è messo a dura prova da ciò che scopre quando si ricongiunge con sua madre.

First Aired
TMDb 88% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb 77% · 221 (more information on website)


Sheryll BarnesRoxy Sternberg
Kristin GainesAlexa Davalos
Hana GibsonKeisha Castle-Hughes
Ivan OrtizMiguel Gómez

Guest Stars

SSA Remy ScottDylan McDermott
Detective HenryJason Furlani
Officer Janine VianoDiane Davis
Officer Justin HillAaron J. Nelson
Kyra McCallChristine Spang
Bailey LewisAbigail Donaghy
Ramon AcostaRandy Ramos Jr.
Tripp AndersonMichael Padula
BillBen Michael Brown
AbbyJulie Cavaliere
DeverauxEric Carter
Lt. CaudleEarl Baker Jr.
Det. Kelly ChiuRita Sengupta
Doctor FloresVivia Font
BenjiD'Ambrose Boyd
Sister MaryZuleyma Guevara
Officer SlackRobbie Dema
NurseAli Wills
P.O. MendozaDuke Williams
Claire ScottRebecca Brooksher
Betsy ScottCatherine Wolf


CameraDirector of PhotographyWilliam Klayer
DirectingDirectorCory Bowles
EditingEditorTerrell Clegg
ProductionCo-Executive ProducerRebecca McGill
Executive ProducerTodd Arnow