FBI: Most Wanted · Episode 3x4 'Inherited'

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The team must determine if the kidnapping of a young Chinese-American woman is a random hate crime or if she was specifically targeted, in order to find her. Also, Jess and Sarah struggle with Tali’s continued rebellious streak.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Eine junge Amerikanerin mit chinesischen Wurzeln gerät in die Fänge gnadenloser Entführer und das FBI-Team wird eingeschaltet. Handelt es sich hierbei um einen bloßen Zufall oder geriet die Dame ins Fadenkreuz Krimineller, weil sie etwas zu verbergen hat?

France French (Français)

Manipulation génétique

L'équipe doit déterminer si l'enlèvement d'une jeune femme sino-américaine est un crime haineux aléatoire ou si elle était spécifiquement visée, afin de la retrouver. De plus, Jess et Sarah doivent faire face à la rébellion de Tali.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Atto d'amore

La squadra deve determinare se il rapimento di una giovane donna cinese-americana è un crimine d'odio casuale o se è stata specificamente presa di mira, per trovarla. Inoltre, Jess e Sarah lottano con la continua serie di ribellioni di Tali.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb 71% · 294 (more information on website)


Sheryll BarnesRoxy Sternberg
Kristin GainesAlexa Davalos
Hana GibsonKeisha Castle-Hughes
Ivan OrtizMiguel Gómez

Guest Stars

SSA Jess LaCroixJulian McMahon
Natalia 'Tali' LaCroixYaYa Gosselin
Stephen BeckTim Martin Gleason
Frank ZhaoAllen Theosky Rowe
Jeanney ZhaoLaura Kai Chen
Francesca BrightonEmily Donahoe
Brice LonnerGary Lee Mahmoud
Rodney HarlockJonathan Holtzman
Carrie ChenAshley Chiu
AsherCarol Mazhuvancheril
Luo Pei AnAndrew Pang
SA Brindi AryaShanta Parasuraman
GraceSakura Lin
JenCrystal Chau
Sam ZhaoLuke Naphat
Good Samaritan #1Kenny Wong
Sarah AllenJennifer Landon
Kevin CarragherRobert Farrior


CameraDirector of PhotographyLudovic Littee
CrewStuntsWally Ng
DirectingDirectorRomeo Tirone
EditingEditorTerrell Clegg