Movie 'Taxi'
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Take a Ride on the Wild Side.
A mouthy and feisty taxicab driver has hot tips for a green and inept cop set on solving a string of New York City bank robberies committed by a quartet of female Brazilian bank robbers.
- a.k.a. Taxi 2004
German (Deutsch)
Geschwindigkeits-Fan Belle ist mit ihrem getunten Super-Taxi New Yorks schnellste Taxifahrerin. Undercover-Cop Andy ist der unfähigste Polizist und Auto-Fahrer der Stadt. Als vor seiner Nase vier attraktive Bankräuberinnen zuschlagen, rekrutiert Andy Belle, um die heißen Bräute zu verfolgen. Eine schräge und hochtourige Taxifahrt durch New York City beginnt, denn die Damen erweisen sich als sehr clever und gefährlich...
German (Deutsch)
Geschwindigkeits-Fan Belle ist mit ihrem getunten Super-Taxi New Yorks schnellste Taxifahrerin. Undercover-Cop Andy ist der unfähigste Polizist und Auto-Fahrer der Stadt. Als vor seiner Nase vier attraktive Bankräuberinnen zuschlagen, rekrutiert Andy Belle, um die heißen Bräute zu verfolgen. Eine schräge und hochtourige Taxifahrt durch New York City beginnt, denn die Damen erweisen sich als sehr clever und gefährlich...
French (Français)
Belle Williams est la reine des taxis de New York. Aux commandes de son véhicule personnalisé et super-boosté, elle traverse la ville telle une fusée, ignorant feux rouges, embouteillages, tôles froissées et sirènes de police. Mais ce n'est encore qu'une étape, car Belle songe depuis longtemps à devenir pilote de course. Un rêve à portée de main, que va fâcheusement contrecarrer le policier Andy Washburn... Washburn est un flic un peu trop zélé, qui n'a qu'un défaut - rédhibitoire : une totale inaptitude à la conduite. Ensemble ils vont essayer de déjouer les plans des braqueurs de banques.
Italian (Italiano)
Belle Williams è un vero e proprio asso del volante. Guidando a rotta di collo per le strade di New York nel suo taxi truccato, si è guadagnata la fama di tassista più veloce di tutta la città. Ma guidare un taxi è solo un "pit stop" del suo sogno nel cassetto: diventare una pilota di corse. E potrebbe anche farcela, se sulla sua strada non si mettesse un poliziotto, Andy Washburn, la cui capacità di infiltrarsi tra i criminali è pari solo alla sua totale inettitudine al volante. Proprio per questa sua inettitudine è finito nelle retrovie del suo distretto ed è sulle tracce di una banda di bellissime rapinatrici brasiliane, capeggiate da Vanessa - fredda, calcolatrice e dotata di gambe chilometriche. Per acciuffarle, poiché privo di patente di guida, Washburn convince Belle a far squadra con lui e a dar la caccia a Vanessa e alla sua banda, dandole carta bianca per guidare anche a folle velocità e per infrangere qualunque articolo del codice stradale.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- anger
- armed robbery
- bad driver
- bank robbery
- beautiful woman
- bmw
- car accident
- comedy of errors
- damage
- detective
- fast car
- idiot
- model
- modifieds
- new york city
- portuguese
- race driving
- robbery gang
- speed racing
- taxi driver
- undercover cop
- Genres
- Action
- Comedy
- Crime
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Portuguese (Português)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Robert Simonds Productions
20th Century Fox
- Release Dates
Theatrical PG-13
English: Theatrical 12A
Theatrical 12
English: Physical 12 DVD
Physical M DVD
Digital Disney+
- Ratings
- TMDb 56% · 1,065 (more information on website)
- IMDb 46% · 45,757 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 9% (more information on website)
- metacritic 27% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Isabelle 'Belle' Williams | Queen Latifah |
Andrew 'Andy' Washburn | Jimmy Fallon |
Vanessa | Gisele Bündchen |
Jesse | Henry Simmons |
Lt. Marta Robbins | Jennifer Esposito |
Mrs. Washburn | Ann-Margret |
Agent Mullins | Christian Kane |
Redhead | Ana Cristina Oliveira |
Clerk at Inpound Office | Patton Oswalt |
Third Robber | Ingrid Vandebosch |
Fourth Robber | Magali Amadei |
Franklin | Boris McGiver |
Brazilian Man | Adrian Martinez |
Mr. Anthony Scalia | Joe Lisi |
Mrs. Scalia | Bryna Weiss |
Messenger | John Krasinski |
Self (uncredited) | Jeff Gordon |
Freddy | Joey Diaz |
Man at Taxi Convention | Rick Overton |
Business Man | John Rothman |
Young Dealer | Mike Santana |
Undercover Domino Player | Herman Chavez |
Sweaty Dealer | Lou Torres |
Twitchy Dealer | Sixto Ramos |
Third Dealer | Mario Roberts |
Kid | Jamie Mahoney |
Officer | Amanda Anka |
Uniformed Cop | John Duerler |
Fat Cop | John Sierros |
Old Janitor | Earl Schuman |
Cop #1 at Airport | William Cote |
Cop #2 at Airport | Riley G. Matthews, Jr. |
Big Cop | Adam LeFevre |
Cop at Bank #3 | Kevin Carolan |
Lou's Garage Cop | Edward Conna |
Messenger #1 | Victor Isaac |
Messenger #2 | Ramon Fernandez |
Bodega Owner | Jay Spadaro |
Nurse | Shirell Ferguson-Coleman |
Cop in Harlem | Nashawn Kearse |
Girl at Bank | Alli Danziger |
Bank Hostage | Tanner Schwartz |
Detective (uncredited) | Dita de Leon |
Uniformed Cop (uncredited) | Frank Hopf |
DMV Clerk (uncredited) | LeeAnn Powers |
Drug Man (uncredited) | Mark Kubr |
Stopwatch Messenger | GQ |