Movie 'Hollywood Homicide'
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They're two cops with one shot at solving a murder... and surviving each other.
Joe Gavilan and his new partner K. C. Calden, are detectives on the beat in Tinseltown. Neither one of them really wants to be a cop, Gavilan moonlights as a real estate broker, and Calden is an aspiring actor moonlighting as a yoga instructor. When the two are assigned a big case they must work out whether they want to solve the case or follow their hearts.
German (Deutsch)
Joe Gavilan ist ein alter Hase bei der L.A.-Mordkommission. Tagsüber jagt er Verbrecher, in seiner Freizeit verhökert er Immobilien. Ihm zur Seite steht das Greenhorn K.C. Calden, im Nebenberuf Yogalehrer und aspirierender Schauspieler. Als in einem hippen Club mehrere Morde geschehen, sind die beiden Ermittler plötzlich extrem gefordert. Es erweist sich nämlich als überaus kompliziert, gleichzeitig eine Hollywood-Karriere in Schwung, eine ultrateure Immobilie an den Mann und eine Handvolle böser Buben hinter Gitter zu bringen.
French (Français)
Le vétéran Joe Gavilan et la jeune recrue K.C. Calden sont deux flics du Los Angeles Police Department. Le premier, aux méthodes fort peu conventionnelles, est le père de deux enfants mais a divorcé trois fois, tandis que le second enseigne le yoga durant son temps libre.Tous deux vont enquêter sur une sombre affaire de meurtre dans le milieu de l'industrie du disque.
Italian (Italiano)
Joe Galivan è un detective della squadra omicidi di Los Angeles con una vita privata in frantumi e che arrotonda lo stipendio facendo l'agente immobiliare. Per il caso più delicato della sua logorata carriera viene affiancato dal giovane K.C., che nel tempo libero fa yoga e ancora non ha deciso se la sua vocazione sia il distretto di polizia o gli studios di Hollywood. La strampalata coppia deve indagare sulle minacce che un noto gruppo rap ha ricevuto: i sospetti sono tutti sul capo della loro etichetta discografica, Sartain.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- action hero
- chase
- corrupt cop
- criminal
- gangster
- hitman
- hollywood
- los angeles, california
- murder investigation
- rap music
- rivalry
- undercover
- Genres
- Action
- Adventure
- Comedy
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Revolution Studios
Columbia Pictures
- Release Dates
Theatrical PG-13
Theatrical 12A
Theatrical 12
Digital 12
Digital 12
Theatrical TP
- Ratings
- TMDb 52% · 645 (more information on website)
- IMDb 53% · 39,973 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 30% (more information on website)
- metacritic 47% (more information on website)