Movie '2012'

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We Were Warned.

Dr. Adrian Helmsley, part of a worldwide geophysical team investigating the effect on the earth of radiation from unprecedented solar storms, learns that the earth's core is heating up. He warns U.S. President Thomas Wilson that the crust of the earth is becoming unstable and that without proper preparations for saving a fraction of the world's population, the entire race is doomed. Meanwhile, writer Jackson Curtis stumbles on the same information. While the world's leaders race to build "arks" to escape the impending cataclysm, Curtis struggles to find a way to save his family. Meanwhile, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes of unprecedented strength wreak havoc around the world.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Farewell Atlantis

Germany German (Deutsch)

  • a.k.a. 2012 - Das Ende der Welt
  • 2012 - Wir waren gewarnt

2012 endet nach dem Kalender der Maya ein Zeitalter und die bekannte Welt wird in einer Katastrophe untergehen. Während Experten nach einem Ausweg suchen und die US-Regierung bereits einen geheimen Plan für die Rettung eines Teils der Menschheit erstellt, sind sich normale Bürger wie Jackson Curtis der nahenden Naturkatastrophe nicht bewusst. Die Begegnung mit dem Wissenschaftler Charlie Frost, der die Anzeichen für das bevorstehende Weltende dokumentiert, nimmt Curtis zunächst nicht ernst. Doch schon bald mehren sich die Vorzeichen und Curtis wird klar, dass ein wenig aussichtsreicher Kampf ums Überleben begonnen hat.

France French (Français)

Les Mayas, l'une des plus fascinantes civilisations que la Terre ait portées, nous ont transmis une prophétie : leur calendrier prend fin en 2012, et notre monde aussi. Depuis, les astrologues l'ont confirmé, les numérologues l'ont prédit, les géophysiciens trouvent cela dangereusement plausible, et même les experts scientifiques gouvernementaux finissent par arriver à cette terrifiante conclusion. La prophétie maya a été examinée, discutée, minutieusement analysée. En 2012, nous saurons tous si elle est vraie, mais quelques-uns auront été prévenus depuis longtemps… Lorsque les plaques tectoniques se mettent à glisser, provoquant de multiples séismes et détruisant Los Angeles au passage, Jackson Curtis, romancier, et sa famille se jettent à corps perdu, comme des millions d'individus, dans un voyage désespéré. Tous ne pourront pas être sauvés…

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Nel 2009, in un centro di ricerca indiano situato nelle profondità di una miniera di rame, viene rilevata un'improvvisa variazione dell'emissione dei neutrini solari e il conseguente surriscaldamento del nucleo terrestre. La scoperta viene studiata dal giovane scienziato Adrian Helmsley, che stima il pericolo dei primi effetti sulla crosta solo nel lungo periodo e decide perciò, in accordo con gli interessi dei consiglieri del governo americano, di studiare un piano di evacuazione mantenendo il segreto sulla futura minaccia globale. Dopo soli tre anni, invece, il mantello terrestre comincia a fondere e sulla costa californiana appaiono le prime gigantesche crepe. Jackson Curtis, scrittore di romanzi di fantascienza di scarso successo, se ne accorge mentre si trova in campeggio coi due figli presso il parco di Yellowstone. Là, il lago si è completamente prosciugato e un conduttore radiofonico pazzoide, Charlie Frost, diffonde in diretta aggiornamenti sull'imminente fine del mondo...

Release Date
disaster movie
end of the world
maya civilization
natural disaster
race against time
volcanic eruption
Science Fiction
German (Deutsch)
Spanish (Español)
French (Français)
Italian (Italiano)
Portuguese (Português)
Russian (Pусский)
Hindi (हिन्दी)
Mandarin (普通话)
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Columbia Pictures
United States of America Centropolis Entertainment
Farewell Productions
United States of America The Mark Gordon Company
Release Dates
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Australia Theatrical M
Switzerland Digital 16
Germany Theatrical 12
France Theatrical 12
New Zealand Theatrical M
Canada Theatrical PG
United Kingdom Theatrical 12A
Italy Theatrical T
United States of America Physical PG-13
France Physical DVD / Blu-ray
France Digital VOD
France Digital Netflix
France Physical 4K UHD
Austria Digital 14
TMDb 58% · 12,024 (more information on website)
IMDb 58% · 407,288 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 40% (more information on website)
metacritic 49% (more information on website)


Jackson CurtisJohn Cusack
Kate CurtisAmanda Peet
Adrian HelmsleyChiwetel Ejiofor
Laura WilsonThandiwe Newton
Carl AnheuserOliver Platt
Gordon SilbermanTom McCarthy
Charlie FrostWoody Harrelson
President Thomas WilsonDanny Glover
Noah CurtisLiam James
Lilly CurtisMorgan Lily
Yuri KarpovZlatko Burić
TamaraBeatrice Rosen
AlecAlexandre Haussmann
OlegPhilippe Haussmann
SashaJohann Urb
Professor WestJohn Billingsley
TenzinChin Han
NimaOsric Chau
Grandfather SonamChang Tseng
Grandmother SonamLisa Lu
Harry HelmsleyBlu Mankuma
Tony DelgattoGeorge Segal
Captain MichaelsStephen McHattie
Roland PicardPatrick Bauchau
Dr. Satnam TsurutaniJimi Mistry
ScottyRyan McDonald
German ChancellorMerrilyn Gann
Lama RinpocheHenry O
Ark Communications OfficerPatrick Gilmore
Ark Communications OfficerDean Marshall
Ark Boarding OfficerRon Selmour
Ark Boarding OfficerViv Leacock
Ark Boarding OfficerChris Boyd
AF1 Science OfficerDonna Yamamoto
AF1 Science OfficerDoron Bell
AF1 LieutenantDavid Orth
GovernorLyndall Grant
Ark Tech OfficerJason Diablo
AF1 OfficerTy Olsson
President Sergey MakarenkoZinaid Memišević
Chinese ColonelVincent Cheng
Russian InterpreterIgor Morozov
Woman Comforting ChildBJ Harrison
ParamedicDominic Zamprogna
Sally - President's SecretaryKarin Konoval
Jackson's NeighborMary Gillis
Megaphone OfficerRick Tae
Saudi PrinceParm Soor
Isaacs - MI6 OfficerGerard Plunkett
ZultanPaul Tryl
Zultan's TrainerAndrei Kovski
News Reporter - TikalVal Cole
CashierEve Harlow
Interrogating OfficerSean Tyson
Italian Prime MinisterLeonard Tenisci
Boxing AnnouncerMichael Buffer
Ship WaiterDaren A. Herbert
Vegas Rescue WorkerCraig Stanghetta
Ajit - age 5Mateen Devji
Ajit - age 9Qayam Devji
CNN AnchorJody Thompson
Mrs. BirnbaumTanya Champoux
PreacherFrank C. Turner
Yoko DelgattoKinua McWatt
British NewscasterLaara Sadiq
Cruise Ship LadyGillian Barber
Cruise Ship LadyCandus Churchill
Cruise Ship LadyBeverley Elliott
AparnaAgam Darshi
GurdeepRaj Lal
Dr. LokeshPesi Daruwalla
AF1 StewardJacob Blair
AF1 StewardJay Williams
Ark Naval OfficerScott E. Miller
Ark Naval OfficerAnna Mae Wills
PilotJohn Stewart
SurferRyan Cook
SurferBrandon Haas
SurferEddie Hassell
Elderly DriverBetty Phillips
Elderly DriverGeorgina Hegedos
Vegas Tow Truck DriverLuis Javier
Vegas FiremanDean Redman
Security CommanderGordon Lai
Field Reporter - TikalMark Docherty
PolicemanAndrew Moxham
Paris ReporterAlexandra Castillo
Saudi Senior SecurityFarouk A. Afify
US Army WorkerShaun Wilson
Chinese SoldierLeo Chiang
Queen ElizabethElizabeth Richard
Cho Ming Platform OfficerKyle Riefsnyder
American Ark StewardGeorge Trochta
Angry BillionaireJohn Mee
Ark Bridge CrewGeoff Gustafson
Ark Bridge CrewAlex Zahara
Ark Bridge CrewJason Griffith
Ark Bridge CrewJill Morrison
Ark Bridge CrewThomas Parkinson
Ark Bridge CrewLeona Naidoo
Ark Bridge CrewChad Riley
Ark Bridge CrewSimon Leung
Ark Bridge CrewQuentin Guyon
Ark Bridge CrewNicole Rudell
Ark Bridge CrewKevin Haaland
US Army WorkerLeigh Burrows


ArtArt Department CoordinatorCarie Wallis
Art DirectionDan Hermansen
Kendelle Elliott
Ross Dempster
Assistant Art DirectorAndrew Li
Catherine Ircha
Laurel Bergman
Peter Bodnarus
Concept ArtistJoe Farrell
Conceptual DesignJeff Julian
Construction CoordinatorDoug Hardwick
GreensmanGlenn Foerster
Production DesignBarry Chusid
Property MasterAndrew M. Siegel
Wayne McLaughlin
PropsDayo Williams
Dayo Williams
SculptorAaron Jordan
Nicholas Tattersfield
Set DecorationElizabeth Wilcox
Set DesignerDavid Clarke
Doug Girling
Jay Mitchell
John Burke
Margot Ready
Nancy Anna Brown
Peter Ochotta
Peter Stratford
Tex Kadonaga
Set DresserMykal Williams
Supervising Art DirectorDon MacAulay
CameraAerial CameraJeremy Braben
Aerial Director of PhotographyAnna Foerster
Hans Bjerno
Phil Pastuhov
Best Boy GripDan Gorval
Jon Jovellanos
Michael Guthrie
Camera OperatorChris Bedyk
Norbert Kaluza
Richard Merryman
Robin Forst
Director of PhotographyDean Semler
First Assistant CameraChris Owen Jones
Doug Lavender
Emmanuel de Fleury
Sean Elliott
Stephen Maier
Tony Rivetti Sr.
Key GripTony Hyland
Tony Whiteside
William 'Bear' Paul
Second Assistant CameraAndrew Capicik
Ian R. C. Levine
Markus Mentzer
Mélia Lagacé
Roger Wall
Scott Cozens
Second Unit Director of PhotographyDon McCuaig
Steadicam OperatorJohn Clothier
Peter Wilke
Still PhotographerJoseph Lederer
Ultimate Arm OperatorRobert Petrin
Underwater Director of PhotographyIan Seabrook
Pete Romano
Costume & Make-UpAssistant HairstylistDebra Wiebe
Forest Sala
Assistant Makeup ArtistAmanda McGowan
Costume DesignShay Cunliffe
Costume SupervisorDawn Y. Line
CostumerAngela Bright
Hair Department HeadSanna Seppanen
HairstylistCara Doell
Ian C. Ballard
Rosemarie Maldonado
Makeup ArtistAnita Brabec
Beth Boxall
Fay von Schroeder
Gitte Axen
Jayne Dancose
Leslie Graham
Lisa Taylor Roberts
Tracy Lai
Makeup Department HeadConnie Parker
Thomas Nellen
Set CostumerErin Evans
Lauren M. Walker
Silke Guglielmo
Stacy L. Tyson
CrewCG SupervisorAdam Watkins
Boris B. Schmidt
Danielle Plantec
David Stephens
Gavin Graham
Haarm-Pieter Duiker
Ivo Klaus
John Haley
Michael Grobe
Parteek Singh
Roman Schmidt
Steve Mihaylov
ChefPascal Dagorne
Dialect CoachBalinder Johal
Howard Samuelsohn
Michael Buster
Olegar Fedoro
Yaroslav Poverlo
Digital Effects SupervisorDarren Poe
David Hodgins
Digital ProducerAnnemarie Griggs
Jan Heinze
Kymber Lim
Lisa Spence
Sebastian Leutner
Generator OperatorHugh Meikle
PyrotechnicianGary Minielly
Joel Whist
Kaz Kobielski
Scenic ArtistBob Bottieri
Janis Lee
Vladimir Lushnikov
Special EffectsPatrick Tatopoulos
Special Effects CoordinatorCameron Waldbauer
Stunt CoordinatorJohn Stoneham Jr.
Stunt DoubleGavin Buhr
Jim Dunn
Joe Bucaro III
Kacie Borrowman
Kathy Hubble
Krista Bell
Kylie Furneaux
Laura Dash
Roxanne Wong
Suzi Stingl
Stunt DriverAlex Daniels
Eddie Braun
Gerald Paetz
StuntsAlex Chiang
Andre Alexsen
Andrew Chin
Ashlea Earl
Brad Loree
Brett Chan
Byron Brisco
Celia Bond
Chad Sayn
Corry Glass
Crystal Dalman
Darryl Scheelar
Dave Hospes
Dean Bailey
Don Lew
Ed Anders
Garvin Cross
Guy Bews
James Bamford
Janene Carleton
Janina Dall Nenadic
Jason Calder
Jeff Sanca
Jeffery Aro
Jennifer Mylrea
Jodi Stecyk
John Ashker
Kathy Hubble
Kimani Ray Smith
Kimberly Chiang
Lacy Altwine
Lani Gelera
Larissa Stadnichuk
Laura Lee Connery
Leanne Buchanan
Maja Aro
Mark Chin
Marshall Virtue
Matt Reimer
Melissa R. Stubbs
Mickey Giacomazzi
Mike Carpenter
Mike Ching
Mike Crestejo
Mike Desabrais
Monique Ganderton
Nesta Chapman
Nicole Lissner
Owen Walstrom
Regan Moore
Rikki Gagne
Rob Wilton
Roxanne Wong
Sabine Varnes
Scott J. Ateah
Shawn Beaton
Suzi Stingl
Sylvesta Stuart
Timothy Eulich
Trevor Addie
Transportation CoordinatorMark 'Blue' Angus
Utility StuntsBrittney Banks
Lauro David Chartrand-DelValle
Raymond Chan
Visual Effects EditorAnthony Reyna
Derek Drouin
Dylan Highsmith
Eric Galoob
Guy T. Wiedmann
John Polyson
Leanne Young
Mohsen Eletreby
Samuel Craven
Steve Miller
Tobias Pfeiffer
DirectingDirectorRoland Emmerich
First Assistant DirectorAndrew M. Robinson
James Bitonti
Ken Shane
Tommy Gormley
Script SupervisorKimi Webber
Second Second Assistant DirectorMaileen Williams Matheny
EditingEditorDavid Brenner
Peter S. Elliot
Negative CutterAndrea Biklian
LightingAssistant Chief Lighting TechnicianSean Davis
Chief Lighting TechnicianJames J. Gilson
ElectricianBruce Borland
GafferCory Hodson
Simon Hunt
Lighting ArtistDonna Lanasa
Isaac Irvin
Kevin Sears
Peter Szewczyk
Sean Rivet
Sebastian Greese
Lighting TechnicianDan Fraser
Dana Powers
Mark G. Alexander
Ryan Ketchum
Rigging GafferJarrod Tiffin
Rigging GripAdam Bunz
Dan Basaraba
Gavin Hill
Jean-François Dubé
Jonathan Bosse
Josh Lovig
Julian Bosse
Rob Sperling
Rod Haney
Tyler Guenther
ProductionCastingApril Webster
Judy Lee
Susan Taylor Brouse
Casting AssistantGina Garcia
Graham Wickstrom
Casting AssociateScott David
Casting DirectorAlena Garetovskaya
Co-ProducerAaron Boyd
Marc Weigert
Volker Engel
Executive ProducerMichael Wimer
Roland Emmerich
Ute Emmerich
Extras CastingAndrea Brown
Bill Dance
Extras Casting AssistantSara Brown
Shaun Balbar
Location ManagerAnn Goobie
Hans Dayal
William Doyle
ProducerHarald Kloser
Larry Franco
Mark Gordon
SoundADR EditorMichele Perrone
Susan Dudeck
ADR SupervisorMichael J. Benavente
Renée Tondelli
Dialogue EditorLarry Kemp
Michael Hertlein
Robert Troy
FoleyGary A. Hecker
Foley EditorThom Brennan
Music EditorFernand Bos
MusicianArmen Ksajikian
Don Williams
Original Music ComposerHarald Kloser
Thomas Wander
Production Sound MixerMichael McGee
Sound DesignerAngelo Palazzo
Paul N.J. Ottosson
Sound Re-Recording MixerJeffrey J. Haboush
Michael Keller
Rick Kline
Supervising Sound EditorPaul N.J. Ottosson
Visual Effects3D CoordinatorDave Kim
Kim LeBrane
Animation SupervisorJoshua Cordes
Compositing SupervisorChris LeDoux
Erik Bruhwiler
Jelena Stojanovic
Kai Woytke
Marc Dominic Rienzo
Matthew Twyford
Shane Cook
Takashi Takeoka
Lead AnimatorChad Finnerty
Koji Morihiro
Paul Taylor
Matchmove SupervisorDamian Doennig
Joel Prager
Modelling SupervisorDirk Mauche
Kui Han Lee
Yoshiya Yamada
Pre-Visualization SupervisorCameron Widen
Ezekiel Norton
Jotham Herzon
Special Effects SupervisorMike Vézina
VFX Production CoordinatorDante Gatchalian
Dante Gatchalian
Visual Effects CoordinatorAdam Chazen
Alexander Kucera
Chris McLeod
Cory L. McNeill
Daniel Chavez
Danielle Probst
E.M. Bowen
Franzisca Puppe
Jan Fiedler
Katie Spinelli
Kyle Ware
Lisa Hansen
Lisa Marra
Michele Stewart
Ruheene Masand
Viktorija Ogureckaja
Visual Effects ProducerChristina Graff
Christine Carr
David Sanger
Eric D. Christensen
Kelly L'Estrange
Lisa Goldberg
Michel Mielke
Shannon Blake Gans
Steve Kullback
Visual Effects Production ManagerJames Dornoff
Visual Effects SupervisorAlex Wuttke
Ben Grossmann
C. Jerome Williams
Colin Strause
Daniel P. Rosen
David Vána
Greg Strause
Guy Williams
Ian Hunter
Jack Shahram Ghoulian
John H. Han
Matthew Collorafice
Mohen Leo
Paul Graff
Rainer Gombos
Thomas Tannenberger