Movie 'Ride Along'

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Propose to this cop's sister? Rookie mistake.

For the past two years, high-school security guard Ben has been trying to show decorated APD detective James that he's more than just a video-game junkie who's unworthy of James' sister, Angela. When Ben finally gets accepted into the academy, he thinks he's earned the seasoned policeman's respect and asks for his blessing to marry Angela. Knowing that a ride along will demonstrate if Ben has what it takes to take care of his sister, James invites him on a shift designed to scare the hell out of the trainee. But when the wild night leads them to the most notorious criminal in the city, James will find that his new partner's rapid-fire mouth is just as dangerous as the bullets speeding at it.

United States of America English

  • a.k.a. Novato en apuros 1

Germany German (Deutsch)

Drum prüfe der Bruder, bevor die Schwester sich bindet, ob der von ihr Erwählte auch wirklich einen guten Ehemann abgeben wird. Diesen Moment hat der an einer Schule als Sicherheits-Fachkraft tätige Ben bisher gescheut. Aber es führt wohl kein Weg an James vorbei. Und dieser hat eine besondere Prüfung vorgesehen: Ben soll den taffen Cop auf einer 24-Stunden-Schicht begleiten, damit James sich ein eigenes Bild von den Qualitäten des vorlauten Schwagers in spe machen kann. Es wird eine Schicht, die keiner der beiden so schnell vergessen wird…

France French (Français)

Mise à l'épreuve

Ben, agent de sécurité dans un lycée, tente en vain de prouver qu'il est plus qu'un geek baratineur à James, grand frère protecteur de sa petite amie et flic aux méthodes musclées. Quand Ben est enfin accepté à l'Académie de l'APD (Atlanta Police Department), il demande la bénédiction de James pour épouser Angela, pensant avoir enfin gagné son respect. Sceptique, James le met à l'épreuve pour lui apprendre le métier et voir s'il est digne ou non d'épouser sa sœur. Durant 24 heures il devra patrouiller avec lui dans les rues d'Atlanta. Mais ce qui devait être une patrouille ordinaire se transforme en véritable poursuite contre le crime. James constatera alors que la répartie de Ben est aussi dangereuse et rapide que ses propres balles.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Poliziotto in prova

Per capire se è degno di sposare sua sorella, James Payton, poliziotto dai metodi rudi, chiede al futuro cognato Ben Barber, guardia giurata, di accompagnarlo per 24 ore durante il suo giro di pattugliamento per le strade di Atlanta.

Part of Ride Along Collection

An American buddy cop action comedy film series based on a story originally from Coolidge. It follows Ben Barber, a high school security guard who must prove to his girlfriend's brother, James Payton, that he is worthy of marrying her. James, a police officer out to catch Serbian smugglers' boss Omar, takes Ben on a ride along to prove himself.

  • Ride Along owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 63% · 2,276

    For the past two years, high-school security guard Ben has been trying to show decorated APD detective James that he's more than just a video-game junkie who's unworthy of James' sister, Angela. When Ben finally gets accepted into the academy, he thinks he's earned the seasoned policeman's respect and asks for his blessing to marry Angela. Knowing that a ride along will demonstrate if Ben has what it takes to take care of his sister, James invites him on a shift designed to scare the hell out of the trainee. But when the wild night leads them to the most notorious criminal in the city, James will find that his new partner's rapid-fire mouth is just as dangerous as the bullets speeding at it.

  • Ride Along 2 owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 62% · 1,697

    As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

Release Date
family relationships
police officer
police operation
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Rainforest Entertainment
United States of America Universal Pictures
United States of America Relativity Media
United States of America Cube Vision
Release Dates
Canada Theatrical 14A
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
Australia English: Theatrical M
United Kingdom Theatrical 12A
Germany Theatrical 12
France Theatrical U
Italy Theatrical
France Physical
France Digital VOD
France Digital Netflix
TMDb 63% · 2,277 (more information on website)
IMDb 61% · 125,314 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 18% (more information on website)
metacritic 41% (more information on website)


JamesIce Cube
Ben BarberKevin Hart
SantiagoJohn Leguizamo
Lt. BrooksBruce McGill
AngelaTika Sumpter
MiggsBryan Callen
OmarLaurence Fishburne
Angry Car DriverDwayne L. Brown
RunflatJay Pharoah
RobertoAaron Saxton
Crazy CodyGary Owen
RamonJacob Latimore
Morris the KidBenjamin Flores Jr.
MarkoDragoș Bucur
Dr. CowanGary Weeks
GinaJasmine Burke
Pawnshop JayDavid Banner
Ballsdeep 23Lucius Baston
Serbian Arms Dealer (uncredited)Tom Waite
Marko's GunmanGreg Rementer
Marko's GunmanEric Benson
Cafeteria LadyAnna House
Waiver OfficerJulie Gribble
Bearded BikerJohn Kap
Biker's WifeAnona Tolar
Gun Shop ValLou Anne Cooper
Shotgun ShooterKeith Walters
Pawn Shop OwnerJames Logan
Market CashierChase Steven Anderson
Market ShopperAngie Stone
Market ShopperEmmanuel Hudson
Strip Club ManagerKenny Alfonso
TweakerPhillip DeVona
TweakerOmari Wallace
HostageSheena Kharazmi
HostageThida Penn
Gang LieutenantMark Hicks
Omar GangsterJoe Nin Williams
Serbian BossWilliam Neenan
SerbBrian Oerly
Carjacked DriverWilliam Horton
Assface23Eric Goins
Suds31Drew Goin
News ReporterElle Duncan
Medic JeffreysJeff Rose
