Movie 'Limelight'
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The masterpiece of laughter and tears from the master of comedy!
A fading music hall comedian tries to help a despondent ballet dancer learn to walk and to again feel confident about life.
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Rampenlicht
Kurz vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg muss der alternde Komiker Calvero erkennen, dass er am Ende seiner Karriere angekommen ist. Eines Tages rettet er die junge Balletttänzerin Theresa vor dem Selbstmord und macht es sich fortan zur Aufgabe, ihr neues Selbstvertrauen für eine Rückkehr auf die Bühne zu geben. Während Theresa aus Dankbarkeit glaubt, sich in Calvero verliebt zu haben und ihn vergeblich bittet, sie zu heiraten, wird Calvero von dem Wunsch erfüllt, noch ein letztes Mal im Rampenlicht zu stehen
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Les feux de la rampe
Un comique du music-hall déchu se prend d'affection pour une jeune danseuse paralysée.
Italian (Italiano)
Londra, 1914. Calvero (Chaplin), un tempo famoso e acclamato clown ma ormai alcolista cronico, salva una giovane ballerina, Terry (Claire Bloom), da un tentativo di suicidio. La porta a casa sua e cerca di reinfonderle fiducia nella vita: la ragazza è rimasta orfana da bambina e sua sorella è stata spinta a prostituirsi, ma grazie agli incoraggiamenti che riceve da Calvero, di fatto trasformatosi nel suo mèntore, Terry riprende coscienza delle sue possibilità e riacquisisce autostima, il che le permette di ritornare con successo al suo lavoro di ballerina.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- ballet dancer
- black and white
- clown
- Genres
- Drama
- Music
- Romance
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
- Celebrated Productions
United Artists
- Release Dates
Theatrical G Astor and Trans Lux Theatres, New York City, New York
Premiere London
Theatrical G
Physical 6 DVD
- Ratings
- TMDb 79% · 533 (more information on website)
- IMDb 80% · 22,864 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 88% (more information on website)
- metacritic 84% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Calvero | Charlie Chaplin |
Thereza 'Terry' Ambrose | Claire Bloom |
Postant | Nigel Bruce |
Calvero's Partner | Buster Keaton |
Neville | Sydney Chaplin |
Bodalink | Norman Lloyd |
Dancer - Harlequin | Andre Eglevsky |
Dancer - Columbine | Melissa Hayden |
Mrs. Sybil Alsop | Marjorie Bennett |
Thereza's Doctor | Wheeler Dryden |
John Redfern | Barry Bernard |
Claudius | Stapleton Kent |
Maid | Molly Glessing |
Dr. Blake - Calvero's Doctor | Leonard Mudie |
Street Musician | Loyal Underwood |
Street Musician | Harry 'Snub' Pollard |
Street Musician | Julian Ludwig |
Little Boy (uncredited) | Billy Lee Aimone |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | John Alban |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | Benjie Bancroft |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | John Barton |
Actor Backstage (uncredited) | Ray Beltram |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Paul Bradley |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | James Carlisle |
Clown (uncredited) | Charles Chaplin, Jr. |
Little Girl on Steps (uncredited) | Geraldine Chaplin |
Child on Steps (uncredited) | Josephine Chaplin |
Child on Steps (uncredited) | Michael Chaplin |
Extra (uncredited) | Oona O'Neill Chaplin |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | Bud Cokes |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | Harry Crocker |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | Oliver Cross |
Midget in Agent's Office (uncredited) | Billy Curtis |
Emissary - Dress Circle (uncredited) | Jack Deery |
Griffin - Clown Outside Stage Door (uncredited) | Cyril Delevanti |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | Tim Durant |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Tom Ferrandini |
Patrician Lady in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Dorothy Ford |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Curt Furberg |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Rudy Germane |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Marion Gray |
Extra in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Frank Hagney |
Newsboy (uncredited) | Charlie Hall |
Reception Guest (uncredited) | Stuart Hall |
Socialite (uncredited) | Sam Harris |
Dinner Guest (uncredited) | Stuart Holmes |
Restaurant Patron (uncredited) | Jimmie Horan |
Pub Extra (uncredited) | Kenner G. Kemp |
Music Hall Performer (uncredited) | Colin Kenny |
Extra in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Judy Landon |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Perk Lazelle |
Little Boy (uncredited) | Billy Lee |
Stagehand (uncredited) | Maurice Marks |
Dinner Guest (uncredited) | Harold Miller |
Man in Music Hall Audience (uncredited) | Frank Mills |
Extra in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Sherry Moreland |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | George Nardelli |
Extra in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Milicent Patrick |
Stagehand (uncredited) | Jack Perry |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | José Portugal |
Mrs. Parker (uncredited) | Edna Purviance |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Paul Ravel |
Man in Saloon (uncredited) | Charley Rogers |
Empire Theatre Patron (uncredited) | Victor Romito |
Extra in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Elizabeth Root |
Music Hall Patron (uncredited) | Cap Somers |
Derelict (uncredited) | Gus Taillon |
Extra in Dress Circle (uncredited) | Valerie Vernon |
Major Domo at Dinner (uncredited) | Eric Wilton |
Reception Guest (uncredited) | Florence Wix |