Movie 'Cruella'

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Hello Cruel World

In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

Germany German (Deutsch)

London in den 1970er Jahren: Die junge Estella ist eine talentierte Designerin und träumt von einer großen Karriere als Modeschöpferin. Doch da sie verwaist und mittellos aufgewachsen ist, scheint ihr der Weg in höhere Kreise verschlossen. Mit ihren zwei Kumpels, den Amateur-Dieben Horace und Jasper, streift sie durch London und begeht hier und da kleine Verbrechen – und wann immer sich die Möglichkeit ergibt, wenigstens kurz in den von ihr ersehnten Luxus der Schönen und Reichen einzutauchen, greift sie schamlos zu. Dann aber bietet sich ihr endlich eine einzigartige Gelegenheit, um der Gosse zu entkommen: Ein aufstrebender Rockstar entdeckt ihr Talent und beauftragt Estella damit, ihm ein einzigartiges Outfit zu entwerfen. Auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Material muss sich Estella, die ein Faible für Hundefell hat, fragen, was sie für ihren Erfolg zu opfern bereit ist.

France French (Français)

Londres, années 70, en plein mouvement punk rock. Escroc pleine de talent, Estella est résolue à se faire un nom dans le milieu de la mode. Elle se lie d’amitié avec deux jeunes vauriens qui apprécient ses compétences d’arnaqueuse et mène avec eux une existence criminelle dans les rues de Londres. Un jour, ses créations se font remarquer par la baronne von Hellman, une grande figure de la mode, terriblement chic et horriblement snob. Mais leur relation va déclencher une série de révélations qui amèneront Estella à se laisser envahir par sa part sombre, au point de donner naissance à l’impitoyable Cruella, une brillante jeune femme assoiffée de mode et de vengeance…

Italy Italian (Italiano)


L'adolescente Estella ha un sogno. Desidera diventare una stilista, essendo dotata di talento, innovazione e ambizione in egual misura. Ma la vita sembra intenzionata ad assicurarsi che i suoi sogni non si avverino mai. Dopo essere finita senza un soldo e rimasta orfana a Londra a dodici anni, quattro anni dopo Estella corre selvaggia per le strade della città con i suoi migliori amici e compagni di criminalità, Gaspare e Orazio, due ladri dilettanti. Quando un incontro casuale porta Etsella nel mondo dei giovani ricchi e famosi, tuttavia, inizia a mettere in discussione l'esistenza che si è costruita per se stessa a Londra e si chiede se, dopotutto, potrebbe essere destinata a qualcosa di più. Quando una rockstar emergente incarica Estella di disegnargli un pezzo caratteristico, inizia a sentirisi come se fosse davvero arrivata.

Part of Cruella Collection

The Cruella franchise.

  • Cruella owned

    • Release Date:
    • Rating: 80% · 9,479

    In 1970s London amidst the punk rock revolution, a young grifter named Estella is determined to make a name for herself with her designs. She befriends a pair of young thieves who appreciate her appetite for mischief, and together they are able to build a life for themselves on the London streets. One day, Estella’s flair for fashion catches the eye of the Baroness von Hellman, a fashion legend who is devastatingly chic and terrifyingly haute. But their relationship sets in motion a course of events and revelations that will cause Estella to embrace her wicked side and become the raucous, fashionable and revenge-bent Cruella.

  • Cruella 2 not owned

    • Release Date:

    Sequel to 2021's Cruella.

Release Date
anti hero
fashion designer
live action remake
origin story
punk rock
French (Français)
Origin Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Countries
flag of United States of America United States of America
Production Companies
United States of America Walt Disney Pictures
United States of America Gunn Films
United States of America Marc Platt Productions
Release Dates
United States of America Premiere Los Angeles, California
Italy Theatrical
Australia Theatrical PG
Germany Theatrical 6
Australia Digital PG Disney+ Premier Access
Germany Digital 6 Disney+ Premier Access
United Kingdom Theatrical 12A
United Kingdom Digital 12 Disney+ Premier Access
United States of America Theatrical PG-13
United States of America Digital PG-13 Disney+ Premier Access
France Theatrical TP
United States of America Digital PG-13
Germany Physical 6
United States of America Physical PG-13
France Digital VOD
France Physical DVD / Blu-ray / 4K UHD
New Zealand Digital PG
France Digital MyCanal
TMDb 80% · 9,479 (more information on website)
IMDb 73% · 276,506 (more information on website)
Rotten Tomatoes® 75% (more information on website)
metacritic 59% (more information on website)


Estella / CruellaEmma Stone
The BaronessEmma Thompson
JasperJoel Fry
HoracePaul Walter Hauser
ArtieJohn McCrea
Catherine / MaidEmily Beecham
John the ValetMark Strong
RogerKayvan Novak
Anita DarlingKirby Howell-Baptiste
GeraldJamie Demetriou
Liberty Shop GirlNiamh Lynch
JeffreyAndrew Leung
Baroness Head of SecurityEd Birch
Mean GingerDylan Lowe
Police CommissionerPaul Bazely
GeorgeAbraham Popoola
HeadmasterLeo Bill
LadyNinette Finch
Beehive LadySarah Crowden
Mean KidHarrison Willmott
Restaurant ValetJack Barry
TeacherAsmara Gabrielle
The BaronTom Turner
Viking Gala Security GuardThomas Padden
Viking Gala Security GuardCarl Rice
Viking Gala Security GuardChris Ryman
Ipswich Manor Security GuardJavone Prince
Rich WomanHannah Stokely
Liberty WomanHaruka Abe
Steven the Jewellery Shop AssistantSteve Edge
Dog GroomerRichard David-Caine
PolicemanWaleed Akhtar
Society MavenJanet Henfrey
Society MavenElizabeth Marcano-Mortlock
Society MavenCamilla Roholm
French Speaking Ipswich Manor GuardJoey Akubeze
Posh Guest 2Linette Beaumont
Rich ManConor Moloney
Swanky Bar WaiterRobert Cawsey
InterviewerEd Kear
MarkSid Sagar
Jewellery Shop AssistantJacqueline Chan
Posh GuestHermione Gulliford
LawyerSurinder Duhra
Country ConstablePeter Singh
Elderly ManGeoffrey Burton
Fashion ReporterHelena Dowling
Restaurant OwnerPaul Chowdhry
FrederickTim Steed
House of Baroness MenJohn Mackay
House of Baroness MenNathan Amzi
Asthma ManTrevor Laird
Viking Gala GuardJoshua Hill
Viking Gala GuardMichelle Greenidge
Society MavenJane How
Society MavenAngela Sims
Society MavenGeraldine Fitzgerald
Estella (12 yrs)Tipper Seifert-Cleveland
Estella (Toddler)Maeve Chadwick
Estella (Toddler)Nell Chadwick
Estella (Age 5)Billie Gadsdon
Jasper (12 yrs)Ziggy Gardner
Horace (12 yrs)Joseph MacDonald
Anita (12 yrs)Florisa Kamara
Head Seamstress With Newspaper (uncredited)Crystal Wingx
Guard (uncredited)John Wolfe
Ball Guest (uncredited)Robert Ryan
Baroness Bodyguard (uncredited)Ross Carter


ArtArt DirectionAlice Walker
Georgia Warner
Kevin Timon Hill
Luke Whitelock
Lydia Fry
Assistant Art DirectorRebecca White
Production DesignFiona Crombie
Set DecorationAlice Felton
Supervising Art DirectorMartin Foley
CameraDirector of PhotographyNicolas Karakatsanis
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignJenny Beavan
Costume SupervisorClare Spragge
Makeup & HairNadia Stacey
Makeup ArtistSarita Allison
CrewStand InLucy Scarfe
Stunt CoordinatorJason Hunjan
Stunt DoubleClaire Lawrence
Elizabeth Donker Curtius
Holly Barnard
StuntsAdam Basil
Adam Bowman
Andrew Burford
André Layne
Arran Topham
Ben Dimmock
Blake Sporne
Bogdan Kumšackij
Bradley Farmer
Calvin Warrington-Heasman
Chris Pollard
Christian Cole
David Cheung
Dom Dumaresq
Doren John Farmer
Douglas Robson
Elizabeth Donker Curtius
Emma Ennis
Erol Ismail
Gary Kane
George Harris
Grace Franzl
Guy List
Hasit Savani
Jazz Peters
Jonathan Cohen
Juliette Cheveley
Justin Pearson
Karen Teoh
Kenny Knight
Kim McGarrity
Laura Swift
Levan Doran
Lloyd Bass
Lucy Allen
Lucy Fowl
Marco Bertagna
Marvin Campbell
Massimiliano Ubaldi
Matt Crook
Nic Goodey
Nick Chopping
Nina Armstrong
Olivia Slee
Paul Heasman
Paul Joseph
Rob Hunt
Sarah Franzl
Stephanie Carey
Steven Whitley
Stuart Boother
Stuart James
Tom Crowley Ellis
Zach Roberts
Zoe Midgley
DirectingDirectorCraig Gillespie
EditingEditorTatiana S. Riegel
First Assistant EditorDaniel Boccoli
ProductionAssociate ProducerLori Korngiebel
Co-ProducerMark Mostyn
Executive ProducerEmma Stone
Michelle Wright
ProducerAndrew Gunn
Glenn Close
Jared LeBoff
Kristin Burr
Marc Platt
SoundMusic SupervisorSusan Jacobs
Original Music ComposerNicholas Britell
SongsFlorence Welch
Nina Simone
Tina Turner
Sound DesignerAlan Rankin
Ann Scibelli
Martyn Zub
Sound Re-Recording MixerMartyn Zub
Ron Bartlett
Supervising Sound EditorMark P. Stoeckinger
Visual EffectsVisual Effects ProducerChristoph Roth
Visual Effects Production AssistantAdam Keane
Visual Effects SupervisorMax Wood