Movie 'Life of the Party'
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Give life the old college try.
When her husband suddenly dumps her, longtime dedicated housewife Deanna turns regret into re-set by going back to college... landing in the same class and school as her daughter, who's not entirely sold on the idea. Plunging headlong into the campus experience, the increasingly outspoken Deanna – now Dee Rock – embraces freedom, fun, and frat boys on her own terms, finding her true self in a senior year no one ever expected.
- a.k.a. Life.of.the.Party
German (Deutsch)
Lange Jahre führte Deanna ein Leben als Hausfrau und war ihrem Mann treu ergeben. Doch dann verlässt dieser sie auf einmal und lässt sie alleine zurück. Kurzerhand entschließt Deanna, gemeinsam mit ihrer Tochter das College zu besuchen, wovon diese natürlich herzlich wenig begeistert ist. Deanna hingegen findet das Studentenleben äußert spaßig und entdeckt, während sie unter dem Namen Dee Rock die Partys auf dem Campus genießt, endlich ihr wahres Selbst...
French (Français)
Quand son mari la quitte, Deanna décide de reprendre sa vie en main. Elle retourne à l'Université et se retrouve dans la même classe que sa fille. Entre les soirées et le vie de campus Deanna va retrouver sa liberté et profiter de cette année...
Italian (Italiano)
- a.k.a. Life of the Party - Una mamma al college
Quando il marito la scarica senza preavviso, la casalinga Deanna decide di riprendersi la sua vita e di ripartire dal college, finendo nella stessa scuola e classe della figlia, non del tutto felice della sua idea. Immergendosi a capofitto nell'esperienza del campus, una sempre più spinta Deanna ritroverà la libertà e il divertimento a modo suo, evidenziando finalmente la sua vera e imprevista natura.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- college
- daughter
- housewife
- Genres
- Comedy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
- United States of America
- Production Countries
- United States of America
- Production Companies
- On the Day
- New Line Cinema
- Warner Bros. Pictures
- Release Dates
- Theatrical 12A
- English: Theatrical PG-13
- Theatrical 12
- Digital 12
- English: Digital
- Digital M
- English: Physical
- Digital VOD
- English: Physical 12 DVD
- Digital 12
- Digital 12 Netflix
- Digital 12 Prime Video
- Ratings
- TMDb 61% · 986 (more information on website)
- IMDb 56% · 40,569 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 38% (more information on website)
- metacritic 46% (more information on website)