Movie 'Peppermint'
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The system failed. She won't.
A grieving mother transforms herself into a vigilante following the murders of her husband and daughter, eluding the authorities to deliver her own personal brand of justice.
German (Deutsch)
Bei einem Überfall wird Riley North schwer verletzt und fällt anschließend ins Koma, ihr Mann und ihre Tochter werden getötet. Als sie aus dem Koma erwacht, ist sie von Vergeltungsdrang getrieben: Sie lässt sich zur Killerin ausbilden, um zehn Jahre nach der Tat Rache an all jenen zu nehmen, die ihr Leben zerstört haben.
French (Français)
Riley North est une jeune mère de famille dont le mari et la petite fille viennent d’être assassinés par un gang. Face à système judiciaire corrompu qui remet en liberté les meurtriers qu’elle avait pourtant formellement identifiés, Riley décide de prendre les armes pour faire payer tous ceux qui, de prêt ou de loin, sont impliqués.
Italian (Italiano)
Una storia di vendetta su una giovane madre che non ha più nulla da perdere e che decide di partire per un viaggio alla scoperta di una nuova vita che non guardi più al passato.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- alcoholism
- bus
- cemetery
- coma
- corrupt judge
- corrupt official
- driveby shooting
- drug cartel
- fbi
- flashback
- grave
- handcuffs
- hospital
- loss of child
- murder
- police corruption
- revenge
- skid row
- torture
- vigilante
- widow
- Genres
- Action
- Thriller
- Languages
- English
- Spanish (Español)
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Lakeshore Entertainment
Huayi Brothers Pictures
Universal Pictures
- Release Dates
Theatrical R
Theatrical 12
Theatrical 16
Theatrical MA15+
English: Digital 15
- Ratings
- TMDb 67% · 2,082 (more information on website)
- IMDb 65% · 72,722 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 13% (more information on website)
- metacritic 29% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Riley North | Jennifer Garner |
Detective Stan Carmichael | John Gallagher Jr. |
Detective Moises Beltran | John Ortiz |
Diego Garcia | Juan Pablo Raba |
FBI Agent Lisa Inman | Annie Ilonzeh |
Chris North | Jeff Hephner |
Carly North | Cailey Fleming |
FBI Agent Li | Eddie Shin |
Narcotics Detective Barker | Method Man |
Homeless Sam | Tyson Ritter |
Cortez | Ian Casselberry |
Salazar | Richard Cabral |
Torres | Johnny Ortiz |
Ortega | Michael Reventar |
Maria | Kyla-Drew |
Jose | Gustavo Escobar |
Peg | Pell James |
Marvin | John Boyd |
Henderson | Michael Mosley |
Judge Stevens | Jeff Harlan |
Mickey | Chris Johnson |
LAPD Data Analyst | Caspar Brun |
Jessica | Edilsy Vargas |
Ana (Garcia's Daughter) | YaYa Gosselin |
Tommy (Boy on the Bus) | Tate Birchmore |
Bank Manager | Michael Adler |
Carjack Driver | Denney Pierce |
Coma Doctor | Erin Carufel |
Courthouse Bailiff | C.C. Taylor |
Drive-by Gunman #1 | Randy Gonzalez |
Drive-by Gunman #2 | Christopher M. Campos |
Drive-by Wheelman | Sean A. Rosales |
Drunk Dad | Austin Hébert |
Excited Street Guy | Charles Porter |
Hospital Cop | Sam Upton |
Ice Cream Vendor | Samantha Edelstein |
Paramedic | Donnie Smith |
Police Chief Rogers | A. Russell Andrews |
TV Newscaster | Joy Benedict |
TV Newscaster | Kimberly Cheng |
TV Newscaster | Lasaundra Gibson |
TV Newscaster | Markina Brown |
TV Newscaster | Mel Fair |
TV Newscaster | Nilla Elizabeth Watkins |
Pinata Money-Counter #2 | Arnold Chon |
Homeless Man | Gary Sievers |
Stenographer | Loretta Shenosky |
Mob Boss | James Quach |
Garcia's Thug #1 | Hans Marrero |
Homeless Man | Tony Jacobsen |
Skid Row Reporter #2 | Ashley Gibson |
Flash | Andy Casillas |
Homeless Beating Witness | Christopher Baskerville |
Dead Thug | Amir Abdalla |
TV Newscaster | Laura Diaz |
Garcia House Cop | Roland Feliciano |
Garcia House Detective | Mario Cortez |
Garcia Gate Guard #2 | Victor Winters |
Garcia Gate Guard #1 | George Crayton |
Pinata Money-Counter #3 | William Leong |
Pinata Money-Counter #1 | Edwin Garcia II |
Pinata Guard #2 | Josue Barron |
Pinata Guard #1 | Jesus Trujillo |
Liquor Store Clerk | Morris Greco |
Homeless Kid | Hunter Wright |
Homeless Girl | Emma Thoraval |
Korean Gangster (uncredited) | Will Leong |