Movie 'Competencia oficial' (Official Competition)
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The best director, the best actors, the best idea?
When a billionaire entrepreneur impulsively decides to create an iconic movie, he demands the best. Renowned filmmaker Lola Cuevas is recruited to mastermind this ambitious endeavour. Completing the all-star team are two actors with massive talent but even bigger egos: Hollywood heartthrob Félix Rivero and radical theatre actor Iván Torres. Both are legends, but not exactly best friends. Through a series of increasingly eccentric trials set by Lola, Félix and Iván must confront not only each other but also their own legacies. Who will be left when the cameras finally start rolling?
German (Deutsch)
- a.k.a. Der beste Film aller Zeiten
Wenn ein milliardenschwerer Unternehmer impulsiv beschließt, einen Kultfilm zu drehen, verlangt er das Beste. Die renommierte Filmemacherin Lola Cuevas wird angeworben, um dieses ehrgeizige Unterfangen zu leiten. Abgerundet wird das All-Star-Team durch zwei Schauspieler mit enormem Talent, aber noch größeren Egos: Hollywood-Herzensbrecher Félix Rivero und der radikale Theaterschauspieler Iván Torres. Beide sind Legenden, aber nicht gerade beste Freunde. Durch eine Reihe von immer exzentrischeren Prüfungen, die von Lola gestellt werden, müssen Félix und Iván nicht nur einander, sondern auch ihre eigenen Hinterlassenschaften konfrontieren. Wer bleibt übrig, wenn endlich die Kameras laufen?
French (Français)
- a.k.a. Compétition officielle
Un homme d'affaires milliardaire décide de faire un film pour laisser une empreinte dans l'Histoire. Il engage alors les meilleurs : la célèbre cinéaste Lola Cuevas, la star hollywoodienne Félix Rivero et le comédien de théâtre radical Iván Torres. Mais si leur talent est grand… leur ego l’est encore plus !
Italian (Italiano)
Alla ricerca di riconoscimento e prestigio sociale, un uomo d’affari miliardario decide di fare un film che lasci il segno. Per riuscirci, assume i migliori: un cast stellare formato dalla famosa regista Lola Cuevas e da due rinomati attori, entrambi di enorme talento, ma con un ego ancora più grande: Félix Rivero, attore hollywoodiano, e Iván Torres, illustre interprete del teatro radicale. Entrambi delle leggende, ma non proprio in buoni rapporti. Attraverso una serie di sfide sempre più eccentriche lanciate da Lola, Felix e Iván devono confrontarsi non solo l’un l’altro, ma anche con il loro lascito artistico.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Genres
- Comedy
- Drama
- Languages
- Spanish (Español)
- English
- Origin Countries
- Production Countries
- Production Companies
The Mediapro Studio
- Release Dates
Theatrical Venice Film Festival
Premiere TIFF
Premiere Cinefest Sudbury
Premiere Spanish Film Festival
French (Français): Theatrical U
Theatrical 12
Theatrical M
Theatrical (limited) 15
Digital 15
Digital 10 VOD
Physical DVD & Blu-Ray
Digital 10 MyCanal
- Ratings
- TMDb 67% · 389 (more information on website)
- IMDb 70% · 15,687 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 96% (more information on website)
- metacritic 79% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Félix Rivero | Antonio Banderas |
Lola Cuevas | Penélope Cruz |
Iván Torres | Oscar Martínez |
Humberto Suárez | José Luis Gómez |
Matías | Manolo Solo |
Julia | Nagore Aranburu |
Diana Suárez | Irene Escolar |
Violeta | Pilar Castro |
Darío | Koldo Olabarri |
Ariel | Juan Grandinetti |
Coach defensa personal Félix | Jean Dominikowski |
Novias Félix | Amanda Goldsmith |
Novias Félix | Mary Ruiz |
Novias Félix | María Guinea |
Directora de arte | Isabel García Lorca |
Asistente de arte | Xana del Mar |
Directora de fotografía | Melina Matthews |
Directora de vestuario | Sue Flack |
Asistente de vestuario | Lucía Arestegui |
Empleadas limpieza fundación | Pilar Bergés |
Empleadas limpieza fundación | Myriam Diego |
Cóctel | Daniel Chamorro |
Cóctel | Mónica Bardem |
Cóctel | Ana Belén |
Invitada cóctel | Ken Appledorn |