Jennifer Aniston

  • a.k.a. 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿
  • Jennifer Joanna Aniston
  • Jennifer Aniston Arquette
  • 珍妮佛·安妮斯頓
  • جنیفر انیستون

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Jennifer Joanna Aniston (born February 11, 1969) is an American actress and producer. She rose to international fame for her role as Rachel Green on the television sitcom Friends from 1994 to 2004, for which she earned Primetime Emmy, Golden Globe, and Screen Actors Guild awards. Since her career progressed in the 1990s, she has become one of the world's highest-paid actresses. The daughter of actors John Aniston and Nancy Dow, she began working as an actress at an early age with an uncredited role in the 1988 film Mac and Me; her first major film role came in the 1993 horror comedy Leprechaun. She has since starred in a string of successful comedy films such as Office Space (1999), Bruce Almighty (2003), The Break-Up (2006), Marley & Me (2008), Just Go with It (2011), Horrible Bosses (2011), We're the Millers (2013), Dumplin' (2018), Murder Mystery (2019) and its sequel Murder Mystery 2 (2023). Aniston also starred in the acclaimed independent films The Good Girl (2002), Friends with Money (2006), and Cake (2014). She returned to television in 2019, producing and starring in the Apple TV+ drama series The Morning Show, for which she received a Screen Actors Guild Award. Aniston has been included in numerous magazines' lists of the world's most beautiful women. Her net worth is estimated as $300 million, and her box office gross is over $1.6 billion worldwide. She is the recipient of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and is the co-founder of the production company Echo Films, established in 2008. She has been married twice: first to actor Brad Pitt, to whom she was married for five years, and later to actor Justin Theroux, whom she married in 2015 and separated from in 2017.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Jennifer Aniston, 1969 in Kalifornien geboren, gehört mit einem geschätzten Vermögen von 110 Millionen US-Dollar zu den zehn reichsten Frauen der Filmbranche. Aniston, die das Patenkind von Telly “Kojak” Savalas ist, startete ihre Filmkarriere Anfang der 90er Jahre. Nach einigen Flops war die US-Amerikanerin kurz davor ihre Schauspielkarriere zu beenden, bis sie 1994 für die Sitcom Friends gecastet wurde. Die Rolle der Rachel Green brachte ihr weltweiten Ruhm und jeweils einen Golden Globe und Emmy. Friends entwickelte sich über die nächsten zehn Jahre zu einer der erfolgreichsten Sitcoms aller Zeiten, sodass Jennifer Aniston gegen Ende der Serie mit bis zu 1 Mio. US-Dollar pro Folge entlohnt wurde. Neben Friends konnte sie mit Filmen wie Bruce Allmächtig, …und dann kam Polly oder Marley & ich auch auf der Kinoleinwand große Erfolge feiern. 2008 gründete die Schauspielerin mit Echo Films ihre erste eigene Produktionsfirma. Schlagzeilen machte Jennifer Aniston mit der Ehe zu Hollywood-Superstar Brad Pitt, von dem sie sich jedoch 2005 wieder scheiden ließ.

France French (Français)

Jennifer Joanna Aniston (née le 11 février 1969) est une actrice, cinéaste et femme d'affaires américaine. Elle a acquis une reconnaissance mondiale pour avoir interprété Rachel Green dans la sitcom télévisée Friends (1994–2004), un rôle qui lui a valu un Emmy Award, un Golden Globe Award et un Screen Actors Guild Award. En 2012, elle a reçu une étoile sur le Hollywood Walk of Fame. De plus, le magazine Men's Health a élu Aniston comme «la femme la plus sexy de tous les temps». Aniston a également connu une carrière cinématographique réussie. Elle a joué la protagoniste féminine dans des dizaines de films de comédie romantique. Ses plus grands succès au box-office incluent Bruce Almighty (2003), The Break-Up (2006), Marley & Me (2008), Just Go with It (2011), Horrible Bosses (2011) et Nous sommes les Millers (2013), qui ont tous rapporté plus de 200 millions de dollars aux États-Unis. L'un de ses rôles les plus acclamés par la critique était dans The Good Girl (2002), pour lequel elle a été nominée pour un Independent Spirit Award de la meilleure femme principale. Elle est co-fondatrice de la société de production Echo Films.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. Jennifer Joanna Anastassakis, meglio nota come Jennifer Aniston (Los Angeles, 11 febbraio 1969), è un'attrice, regista e produttrice cinematografica statunitense. La Aniston ha ottenuto il riconoscimento in tutto il mondo per aver interpretato Rachel Green nella popolare sitcom televisiva Friends (1994-2004), un ruolo che le è valso un Premio Emmy, un Golden Globe e uno Screen Actors Guild Award. Il personaggio era molto popolare durante la messa in onda della serie, ed è stato riconosciuto come uno dei "100 più grandi personaggi femminili in televisione negli Stati Uniti". I suoi successi al botteghino includono Una settimana da Dio (2003), Ti odio, ti lascio, ti... (2006), Io & Marley (2008), Mia moglie per finta (2011), Come ammazzare il capo e vivere felici (2011) e Come ti spaccio la famiglia (2013), ognuno dei quali hanno incassato oltre $200 milioni di entrate in tutto il mondo. Le sue interpretazioni più acclamate sono in The Good Girl (2002) e Cake (2014), per il quale ha ricevuto una candidatura per il Golden Globe per la migliore attrice in un film drammatico e agli Screen Actors Guild Awards. È cofondatrice, nel 2008, della società di produzione Echo Films. Nel 2004, la Aniston è stata classificata "la donna più bella" dal periodico People, ed è stata eletta la "donna più sexy di tutti i tempi" nel 2011. Nel 2012, ha ricevuto una stella sulla Hollywood Walk of Fame, ed è una delle attrici più pagate di Hollywood. Nel 2007, è stata classificata come "11ª donna più ricca nel settore dello spettacolo", con una fortuna stimata di $110 milioni. È stata inserita da molte riviste negli elenchi di donne più belle del mondo.

Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles, California, USA



CharacterMovie / TV ShowGenresReleaseRating
Audrey SpitzMurder Mystery63% · 4,492
Carol VanstoneOffice Christmas Party57% · 2,087
Julia HarrisHorrible Bosses 262% · 4,166
Rose O'ReillyWe're the Millers68% · 8,965
Julia HarrisHorrible Bosses66% · 6,406
Katherine MurphyJust Go with It67% · 5,781
Grace ConnellyBruce Almighty67% · 10,842


DepartmentJobMovie / TV ShowGenresReleaseRating
ProductionExecutive ProducerMurder Mystery63% · 4,492
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