Movie 'Horrible Bosses'
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Ever wish your boss was dead?
For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting is not an option, so, with the benefit of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a hustling ex-con, the three friends devise a convoluted and seemingly foolproof plan to rid themselves of their respective employers... permanently.
- a.k.a. Horrible Bosses (Uncut)
German (Deutsch)
Nick, Kurt und Dale erleben ihre tägliche Plackerei inzwischen als derart unerträglich, dass es für sie nur noch eine Option gibt: Weil sie sich eine Kündigung nicht leisten können, müssen sie ihre Bosse loswerden. Zu diesem Zweck trinken sie sich reichlich Mut an und lassen sich von einem aufdringlichen Ex-Knacki zu einem windigen Komplott überreden. Das Ergebnis ist ein komplizierter, angeblich todsicherer Plan, der sie ein für alle Mal von ihren Arbeitgebern befreien soll. Ein kleines Problem bleibt allerdings ungelöst: Selbst die besten Pläne sind nur so narrensicher wie die Köpfe, die sie sich ausgedacht haben.
French (Français)
Pour Nick, Kurt et Dale, la seule chose qui pourrait rendre le travail quotidien plus tolérable serait de réduire en poussière leurs intolérables patrons. Démissionner étant exclu, les trois copains échafaudent, avec l’aide de quelques verres de trop et les conseils douteux d’un ancien détenu, un plan quelque peu alambiqué, mais infaillible, pour se débarrasser de leurs employeurs respectifs... définitivement. Il n’y a qu’un problème : les plans les plus infaillibles ne le sont qu’autant que les cerveaux qui les ont conçus le sont.
Italian (Italiano)
Nick, Dale e Kurt sono tre amici trentenni legati da una comune avversione per i loro rispettivi capi. Nick lavora in una compagnia finanziaria accumulando straordinari e continue umiliazioni per ottenere una promozione che il suo perfido amministratore finisce per riservare a se stesso. Dale è l'assistente igienista di una dentista erotomane, ossessionata dall'idea di molestare sessualmente il suo sottoposto mentre i pazienti sono sedati. Kurt è invece il contabile di un'azienda chimica in adorazione del suo vecchio capo, finché un giorno questi muore lasciando la presidenza al viscido figlio cocainomane che detesta Kurt e cerca di sfruttare l'azienda solo per organizzare festini e accumulare capitale da spendere in vizi di dubbio gusto. Una sera, durante una chiacchierata a un pub, fomentata da qualche bicchiere di troppo salta fuori un'idea: perché non uccidere i propri capi?
Part of Horrible Bosses Collection
Dale, Kurt and Nick have horrible luck when it comes to bosses...
Horrible Bosses owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 66% · 6,378
For Nick, Kurt and Dale, the only thing that would make the daily grind more tolerable would be to grind their intolerable bosses into dust. Quitting is not an option, so, with the benefit of a few-too-many drinks and some dubious advice from a hustling ex-con, the three friends devise a convoluted and seemingly foolproof plan to rid themselves of their respective employers... permanently.
Horrible Bosses 2 owned
- Release Date:
- Rating: 62% · 4,151
Dale, Kurt and Nick decide to start their own business but things don't go as planned because of a slick investor, prompting the trio to pull off a harebrained and misguided kidnapping scheme.
- Release Date
- Runtime
- Keywords
- bad boss
- death of father
- duringcreditsstinger
- employee
- stakeout
- Genres
- Comedy
- Crime
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
New Line Cinema
RAT Entertainment
- Release Dates
Premiere R Los Angeles, California
Theatrical R
Theatrical 15
Theatrical 12
Theatrical T
Theatrical MA15+
Theatrical 16
Physical R DVD, Blu-ray
- Ratings
- TMDb 66% · 6,378 (more information on website)
- IMDb 69% · 476,015 (more information on website)
- Rotten Tomatoes® 69% (more information on website)
- metacritic 57% (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Nick Hendricks | Jason Bateman |
Dale Arbus | Charlie Day |
Kurt Buckman | Jason Sudeikis |
Dave Harken | Kevin Spacey |
Julia Harris | Jennifer Aniston |
Bobby Pellitt | Colin Farrell |
Motherfucker Jones | Jamie Foxx |
Jack Pellit | Donald Sutherland |
Kenny Sommerfeld | P.J. Byrne |
Rhonda Harken | Julie Bowen |
Stacey | Lindsay Sloane |
Detective Hagan | Wendell Pierce |
Detective Samson | Ron White |
Carter | John Francis Daley |
Jamie | Meghan, Duchess of Sussex |
Thomas | Steve Wiebe |
Mr. Anderton | Michael Albala |
Kurt's Co-Worker | Jennifer Hasty |
Kurt's Co-Worker | Reginald Ballard |
Kurt's Co-Worker | George Back |
Kurt's Co-Worker | Barry Livingston |
Margie Emerman | Celia Finkelstein |
Bobby's Girl | Diana Toshiko |
Bobby's Girl | Carla Maria Cadotte |
Hank Preston | Scott Rosendall |
Bartender (Bradford's Bar) | Dave Sheridan |
Bartender (Dive Bar) | Chad L. Coleman |
Wetwork Man | Ioan Gruffudd |
Atmanand | Brian George |
Pharmacist | Peter Breitmayer |
Officer Wilkens | Isaiah Mustafa |
Harken Party Guest | Jimm Giannini |
Lou Sherman | Bob Newhart |
Ralph Peterberg | Seth Gordon |
Cute Girl at Bar (uncredited) | Christina Blevins |