Chuck · Episode 3x1 'Chuck Versus the Pink Slip'

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As the upgraded Intersect, Chuck trains to become a full-fledged spy but hits rock bottom when he flunks out of spy school and loses Sarah in the process. Meanwhile, Morgan comes home from Benihana School to help Chuck get over Sarah.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Chuck gegen den Rauswurf

Im Besitz der neuen Fähigkeiten des Intersect 2.0, trainiert Chuck, um ein richtiger Spion zu werden. Allerdings fällt er in der Spionageschule durch und verliert unterdessen auch noch Sarah. Derweil kehrt Morgan von der Benihana-Schule zurück, um Chuck über Sarah hinwegzuhelfen.

France French (Français)

Espion envers et contre tout

Chuck se sert des nouvelles améliorations de l'intersecret pour devenir un espion à part entière, mais il échoue à l'école d'espionnage et perd Sarah. Morgan veut aider Chuck, et revient de l'école Benihana (école de cuisine d'une chaine de restaurant japonais)...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Chuck vs. il licenziamento

Chuck, dopo aver migliorato le sue abilità grazie al nuovo Intersect, vuole ora diventare una vera spia, ma l'impresa, tuttavia, risulta più difficile del previsto.

First Aired
TMDb 82% · 11 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 1,483 (more information on website)


Chuck BartowskiZachary Levi
Sarah WalkerYvonne Strahovski
Morgan GrimesJoshua Gomez
John CaseyAdam Baldwin
Lester PatelVik Sahay
Jeff BarnesScott Krinsky
Ellie WoodcombSarah Lancaster
Big MikeMark Christopher Lawrence
Devon WoodcombRyan McPartlin

Guest Stars

Diane BeckmanBonita Friedericy
Emmett MilbargeTony Hale
Javier CruzAdoni Maropis
FernandoJesse Heiman
SkipMichael Kawczynski
Yuri / FrankChristian Svensson
GillesMario Di Donato
Stage ManagerVictoria Oscar
AgentGriffin Kohout
Piano PlayerRogelio T. Ramos
MitchJoe Bucaro III
GuardTony Flores
Buy More CustomerJulie McKinnon


DirectingDirectorRobert Duncan McNeill