Elementary · Episode 2x24 'The Grand Experiment'

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Rising tension between Sherlock and Joan brings their partnership to a crossroads, but they endeavor to put their differences aside while they help Sherlock's brother, Mycroft, who faces accusations of treason and murder.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das große Experiment

Holmes und Watson müssen ihre zunehmenden Differenzen zunächst beiseitelegen und herausfinden, wer Sherlocks Bruder Hochverrat in die Schuhe geschoben hat.

France French (Français)

La Grande Expérience

Sherlock est convaincu que Mycroft a été piégé par un traître du MI6. Impliqué personnellement autant par Mycroft que par Watson, il va tout faire pour sauver son frère et démasquer le véritable meurtrier en cassant le code dans les tatouages.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il grande esperimento

In questo finale della seconda stagione: Le tensioni personali tra Sherlock e Watson rischiano di compromettere il loro lavoro per aiutare il fratello di Sherlock, Mycroft, che sta per essere incastrato con l'accusa di tradimento ed omicidio.

First Aired
TMDb 76% · 17 (more information on website)
IMDb 82% · 1,067 (more information on website)


Sherlock HolmesJonny Lee Miller
Joan WatsonLucy Liu
Marcus BellJon Michael Hill
Thomas GregsonAidan Quinn

Guest Stars

Mycroft HolmesRhys Ifans
Tim SherringtonRalph Brown
Sir James WalterJim Norton
Julian AfkhamiNasser Faris


CameraDirector of PhotographyRon Fortunato
CrewStunt CoordinatorMichael Russo
StuntsNeimah Djourabchi
DirectingDirectorJohn Polson
EditingEditorBill Zabala