Castle · Episode 2x15 'Suicide Squeeze'
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A beloved former major league baseball player is found dead after a goodwill trip to Cuba. The investigation, which includes running into Joe Torre, leads the detectives into New York's Cuban community to solve the murder. Meanwhile, Alexis' genealogy project forces Castle to consider the identity of his unknown father.
German (Deutsch)
Die Suche nach dem Mörder einer berühmten Baseball-Legende führt Castle und Beckett in die Welt von Exilkubanern, zu denen auch der Tote, Cano Vega, gehörte. Von dessen attraktiver Witwe erfahren sie, dass Vegas Tod mit einer kürzlich erfolgten Reise nach Kuba im Zusammenhang stehen könnte, wo ihm Fidel Castro einen begeisterten Empfang bereitet hatte.
French (Français)
Quand Cano Vega, une star cubaine du baseball aux États-Unis, est retrouvé battu à mort, Beckett et Castle découvrent qu'il était un peu plus lié à Cuba que ce qu'ils ne pensaient. Pendant ce temps-là, Alexis essaie de comprendre pourquoi Castle, qui ne connait pas l'identité de son père, n'a jamais essayé de savoir qui il était...
Italian (Italiano)
Castle e Beckett s'imbattono nell'ex campione di baseball Joe Torre durante le indagini su un caso di omicidio in cui la vittima è una star della major league, ritrovata morta dopo un viaggio a Cuba. Alexis intanto, è impegnata con un progetto genealogico che spinge Castle a considerare l'idea di scoprire l'identità di suo padre.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 76% · 21 (more information on website)
- IMDb 75% · 1,370 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Richard Castle | Nathan Fillion |
Kate Beckett | Stana Katic |
Alexis Castle | Molly C. Quinn |
Javier Esposito | Jon Huertas |
Kevin Ryan | Seamus Dever |
Martha Rodgers | Susan Sullivan |
Roy Montgomery | Ruben Santiago-Hudson |
Lanie Parish | Tamala Jones |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Bobby Fox | Ray Wise |
Tommy Zane | Don Franklin |
Joe Torre | Joe Torre |
Maggie Vega | Chandra West |
Mario Sanchez | Julio Oscar Mechoso |
Lara Blanco | Vanessa Martinez |
Anton Wade | Dayo Ade |
Ana Rivera | Rebeka Montoya |
Alfredo Quintana | José Zúñiga |
Receptionist | Nina Rausch |
Sidney Perlmutter | Arye Gross |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | David Barrett |
Writing | Writer | Jose Molina |