Modern Family · Episode 8x14 'Heavy Is the Head'
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Despite their lofty hopes, Phil and Jay's property investment might turn out to be a bust, forcing Phil to rethink his original dream. Meanwhile, Cam lands in the hospital due to a head injury and refuses to have an MRI thanks to a traumatic incident with a well when he was a child. Determined to finally impress Claire and keep her from re-gifting her birthday present, Gloria surprises her with a day of luxury at the office. However, after Claire had to implement some rather harsh budget cuts at work, a massage at her desk may not be sending the right message.
German (Deutsch)
Phil und Jay setzen den ersten Spatenstich für Dunphy Tower. In Claires Büro werden Sparmaßnahmen eingeführt. Cam landet wegen Lilys Schulprojekt im Krankenhaus.
German (Deutsch)
Die Investition von Phil und Jay droht sich als Fehler herauszustellen, doch Phil will seinen Traum nicht aufgeben. Indes ist Cam nach einem Sturz im Krankenhaus, weigert sich aber ein MRT mach zu lassen.
German (Deutsch)
Phil und Jay setzen den ersten Spatenstich für Dunphy Tower. In Claires Büro werden Sparmaßnahmen eingeführt. Cam landet wegen Lilys Schulprojekt im Krankenhaus.
French (Français)
Les investissements de Phil et Jay sont à revoir concernant la future tour Dunphy. Cameron est blessé et doit subir une IRM à l'hôpital mais il a peur à cause d'un ancien souvenir d'enfance. Gloria veut surprendre Claire au bureau avec un cadeau d'anniversaire original, Manny aide Haley à se préparer pour une Comic Con et la loyauté d'Alex est mise à l'épreuve.
Italian (Italiano)
Sul terreno su cui dovrebbe sorgere la Dunphy Tower sorgono presto gravi problemi che fanno tramontare il progetto iniziale. Phil e Jay, per evitare di perdere l'investimento dovranno convertire l'opera da realizzare in un parcheggio. Intanto Claire sul lavoro è costretta a implementare tagli al budget che fanno scontenti i dipendenti, tuttavia è il giorno del suo compleanno e Gloria le recapita una serie di lussi in ufficio, tra cui champagne e un massaggio, che la metterenno in imbarazzo. Cameron aiuta Lily a realizzare un progetto scolastico, ma vive un piccolo incidente che lo costringono a ricorrere a cure mediche e una TAC di controllo, esame che lo costringerà a rivivere un trauma infantile. Alex prova a farsi nuovi amici nel locale in cui lavora, ritrovandosi inaspettatamente manager.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 65% · 15 (more information on website)
- IMDb 71% · 1,507 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jay Pritchett | Ed O'Neill |
Gloria Delgado-Pritchett | Sofía Vergara |
Claire Dunphy | Julie Bowen |
Phil Dunphy | Ty Burrell |
Mitchell Pritchett | Jesse Tyler Ferguson |
Cameron Tucker | Eric Stonestreet |
Haley Dunphy | Sarah Hyland |
Alex Dunphy | Ariel Winter |
Luke Dunphy | Nolan Gould |
Manny Delgado | Rico Rodriguez |
Lily Tucker-Pritchett | Aubrey Anderson-Emmons |
Joe Pritchett | Jeremy Maguire |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Jared Cook | Jonathan Chase |
Bobby | Jared Gertner |
Ben | Joe Mande |
Scott | Timothy Hornor |
Mason | Tory Devon Smith |
Gillian | Cat Alter |
Pete | Robert Baker |
Joshua | Artie O'Daly |
Mariel | Lisa-Marie Long |
Dom | Kasey Mahaffy |
Kenny | Roy Jenkins |
Josie | Rahnuma Panthaky |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Ken Whittingham |
Writing | Writer | Danny Zuker |