Modern Family · Episode 8x5 'Halloween 4: The Revenge of Rod Skyhook'
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Luke’s Halloween party isn’t the monster bash he dreamed of and is at risk of having the worst party of the year. Sensing trouble, the rest of the Dunphy’s realize all his party needs is a visit from Rod Skyhook, a little promotion and some adult supervision to get it started. Meanwhile at the Tucker-Pritchett home, Cam faces off with his Halloween nemesis while Lily and Mitchell try to save the day and work to keep him from going to the darkside. Finally, when Jay finds out that Manny is going to a party at the home of an old enemy, he enlists him to deliver a trick he will never forget.
German (Deutsch)
Luke muss seine Halloween-Party aufpeppen. Mitchell und Claire wollen einander mit ihren Streichen übertrumpfen. Mannys Kostüm ist nicht so leicht zu erkennen.
German (Deutsch)
Um seine Mitschüler zu beeindrucken will Luke eine wilde Halloweenparty schmeißen, doch diese stellt sich langweiliger heraus, als erwartet. Nun muss die Familie alle daransetzen, Lukes Meinung zu ändern.
German (Deutsch)
Luke muss seine Halloween-Party aufpeppen. Mitchell und Claire wollen einander mit ihren Streichen übertrumpfen. Mannys Kostüm ist nicht so leicht zu erkennen.
French (Français)
Pour Halloween, Luke a décidé d'organiser une grande fête mais les Dunphy se serrent les coudes afin de la rendre terrifiante. Jay décide de concocter une blague inoubliable à Earl Chambers et Cameron se venge d'un ancien rival.
Italian (Italiano)
Luke organizza una festa di Halloween a casa sua senza la presenza dei genitori, tuttavia in pochi si presentano all'appuntamento, preferendo la festa ospitata dalla figlia di Earl Chambers, lo storico rivale di Jay. A soccorrere Luke ci penseranno Haley, che fa pubblicità alla festa del fratello, la madre, che si imbucherà all'altro evento facendo da guastafeste, e il padre, che rianima la festa del figlio a modo suo. Intanto Jay, il quale decide di rappresentare la Sacra Famiglia vestendosi lui da Gesù e facendo fare Giuseppe al figlio Joe, ne approfitta per l'ennesimo scontro con Earl. Manny si traveste invece da Dalton Trumbo, faticando a trovare qualcuno in grado di riconoscere il personaggio, mentre Cameron trova una nuova nemesi in un bambino del suo quartiere vestito da Dart Fener colpevole di aver preso più dolci di quelli offertigli.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 72% · 14 (more information on website)
- IMDb 76% · 1,814 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jay Pritchett | Ed O'Neill |
Gloria Delgado-Pritchett | Sofía Vergara |
Claire Dunphy | Julie Bowen |
Phil Dunphy | Ty Burrell |
Mitchell Pritchett | Jesse Tyler Ferguson |
Cameron Tucker | Eric Stonestreet |
Haley Dunphy | Sarah Hyland |
Alex Dunphy | Ariel Winter |
Luke Dunphy | Nolan Gould |
Manny Delgado | Rico Rodriguez |
Lily Tucker-Pritchett | Aubrey Anderson-Emmons |
Joe Pritchett | Jeremy Maguire |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Darth Vader | Chase Brosamle |
Leslie Kwan Collins | Liv Mai |
Reuben Rand | Spenser McNeil |
Earl Chambers | Robert Costanzo |
Vader's Dad | Sam Daly |
Dorothy Parker | Victoria Scott |
Sophie Chambers | Cheyn Cole |
Griffin | Biff Miller |
Mom | Caisha Williams |
Sarah Ho | Michele Panu |
Trick-Or-Treater | Kai Scott |
Party Girl #1 | Christina Burdette |
Party Girl #2 | Alexis G. Zall |
Party Girl #3 | Kylee Russell |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Chris Koch |
Writing | Writer | Stephen Lloyd |