The Middle · Episode 1x24 'Average Rules'

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Parent-Teacher conferences cause Frankie to worry about the kids. In them she's told Axl is gifted but not applying himself, that her teachers still do not know who Sue is, and Brick may have to repeat the second-grade due to failure to return over 30 library books. Guest star Betty White as the school librarian.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Durchschnittsfamilie

Frankie und Mike stellen fest, dass die Schulbibliothekarin verhindern möchte, dass Brick in die dritte Klasse kommt, weil er einige überfällige Bücher schuldet.

France French (Français)

La bonne moyenne

Brick pourrait redoubler à cause des nombreux livres en retard à la bibliothèque de son école. Contre toute attente, Axl décroche une note extrêmement élevée à son test d'aptitude. Quant à Sue, elle semble être invisible à l'école, aussi bien auprès des élèves que des professeurs...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un giorno da leoni

All'incontro annuale con i genitori e insegnanti, Frankie e Mike scoprono che Brick è nei pasticci per non aver restituito 31 libri alla biblioteca. Axl supera un test attitudinale che svela del potenziale accademico sopito, mentre Frankie sostiene moralmente Sue quando nessuno dei suoi insegnanti sembra ricordarsi di averla in classe.

First Aired
TMDb 68% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 417 (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Mrs. NethercottBetty White
CarlyBlaine Saunders
Coach EmersonGreg Cromer
Mrs. ThomasKiva Jump
Principal SholinAndy Milder
Guidance counselorDale Raoul
Mrs. SeabrookMary Passeri
Cross Country GirlAdrienne Berry


DirectingDirectorWendey Stanzler