The Middle · Episode 2x10 'A Simple Christmas'

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While Frankie's parents Tag and Pat visit for Christmas, Mike is less than thrilled. To make matters worse, the Hecks have a disagreement with them over Frankie's idea on how to celebrate the holiday without exchanging presents

Germany German (Deutsch)

Das einfache Weihnachtsfest

Frankies Pläne für eine einfache Weihnachtszeit werden bedroht, als ihre Eltern die 12 Tage um Weihnachten bei ihr verbringen wollen.

France French (Français)

Des parents formidables

C'est Noël. Pat et Tag, les parents de Frankie, sont à la maison pour une douzaine de jours. Huit de trop, selon Mike. Quelques tensions naissent bientôt, notamment à cause des sucreries dont Pat gave ses petits-enfants. Brick se rend malade et Mike fuit la maison, Tag sur les talons...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Un Natale semplice

I genitori di Frankie, Tag e Pat sono in visita per Natale, Mike non è altrettanto entusiasta. A complicare le cose gli Hecks non sono d'accordo su come festeggiare la veglia Natalizia, in particolare con l'idea di Frankie di fare dei regali che siano utili piuttosto che costosi.

First Aired
TMDb 68% · 4 (more information on website)
IMDb 75% · 339 (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Aunt GinnyFrances Bay
Tag SpenceJerry Van Dyke
Derrick GlossnerDavid Chandler
Wade GlossnerParker Bolek
Diaper GlossnerGibson Bobby Sjobeck
Aunt EdieJeanette Miller
Pat SpenceMarsha Mason
KevinKurtis Bedford


DirectingDirectorElliot Hegarty