The Middle · Episode 2x13 'Super Sunday'

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As the Super Bowl approaches, Mike is thrilled when Brick takes his advice and studies up on football in order to understand and talk the sport. But Axl thinks his little brother is taking over his turf by being Mike's football buddy - a position Axl used to cherish. Meanwhile, Frankie thinks her professional career is looking up when Mr. Ehlert chooses her to accompany him to a managerial seminar, and ex-boyfriend Brad asks Sue to be his dance partner for the school's annual Square Dancing with the Stars.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Super Bowl

Der Superbowl kommt näher und Mike ist froh, dass Brick seinen Rat befolgt und sich ein Buch über Football vornimmt, damit er den Sport verstehen und mitreden kann.

France French (Français)

À chacun son sport

La vie quotidienne d'une famille de la classe moyenne américaine, qui compte un couple et trois enfants : aventures et mésaventures se succèdent.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Super domenica

Con l'arrivo del super Bowl, Brick studia le regole del football per capire il gioco, il signor Ehlert chiede a Frankie di accompagnarlo a un seminario manageriale, Brad chiede a Sue di essere la sua partner in una gara di ballo.

First Aired
TMDb 56% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Mr. EhlertBrian Doyle-Murray
BobChris Kattan
Bill NorwoodPat Finn
Brad BottigBrock Ciarlelli
JimTroy Metcalf
DaveMalcolm Foster Smith
Pete MillerPeter Breitmayer
NurseJ.J. Boone
Vice-Principal DoylePotsch Boyd


DirectingDirectorPaul Lazarus