The Middle · Episode 3x1 'Forced Family Fun (1)'

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Frankie insists that the family go on vacation together before school starts; Mike and Frankie remember their honeymoon, which was ruined by Nicky (Ray Romano), a guy Mike knew in high school.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Familienausflug (1)

Im Auftakt der Staffel macht die Familie einen Campingurlaub, der Erinnerungen an ihre Camping-Flitterwochen wachruft, die ein Freund von Mike gründlich ruiniert hatte.

France French (Français)

Vacances en famille (1/2)

Toutes les familles du quartier profitent de l'été pour partir en voyage, sauf les Heck. Se sentant coupable, Frankie propose également à sa tribu de partir quelques jours en vacances. Totalement indépendants, les enfants déclinent un à un sa proposition. Elle les force à aller camper en forêt...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Campeggio, ti odiamo!

Frankie insiste nel portare la famiglia in vacanza per alcuni giorni prima dell'inizio della scuola. Ma Mike suggerisce il campeggio, cosa che porta a galla brutti ricordi sulla loro luna di miele.

First Aired
TMDb 57% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Sean DonahueBeau Wirick
CarlyBlaine Saunders
Dotty DonahueLaura Ann Kesling
Nicky KohlbrennerRay Romano
Nancy DonahueJen Ray
Ron DonahueSean O'Bryan
Shelly DonahueSam Schuder
LibrarianLiz Montgomery
Jill HobertJill Tracy
Cute GirlKathryn Collins
Cute GirlAshley Rebecca Hawkins
MotherAmy Crofoot
Hot Dog BoyTerra Glen Campbell


DirectingDirectorLee Shallat Chemel