The Middle · Episode 7x6 'Halloween VI: Tick Tock Death'

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Each member of the Heck family finds themselves in situations reminiscent of "The Twilight Zone."

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Zeitreisende und der Sensenmann

An Halloween finden sich die Hecks in ihren eigenen Twilight Zone-Episoden wieder, wobei Brick jede Episode vorstellt.

France French (Français)

Halloween VI : bientôt la mort

Frankie propose à Sue de célébrer Halloween avec lui et en profite pour fomenter sa vengeance contre Rita Glossner. Axl, Hutch et Kenny ont une belle frayeur...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Una strana notte di Halloween

Ogni membro della famiglia Heck si trova in situazioni che ricordano "The Twilight Zone".

First Aired
TMDb 95% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb 83% · 330 (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Diaper GlossnerGibson Bobby Sjobeck
KennyTommy Bechtold
HutchAlphonso McAuley
CindyCasey Burke
CynthiaEllen Geer
Rita GlossnerBrooke Shields
Confused LadyCarole Gutierrez
Skateboard KidPedro Correa


DirectingDirectorElliot Hegarty