The Middle · Episode 7x5 'Land of the Lost'

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Frankie asks Reverend TimTom to find out why Mike is being distant; and Sue invites Brick to visit her at college, but she loses him after running into the handsome Abercrombie guy. Meanwhile, Axl and Hutch complain to the city about an ant infestation.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt

Als Mike noch stiller und reserviert als normal wird, bittet Frankie Pastor TimTom (PAUL HIPP), herauszufinden, was los ist. Sue verliert Brick am College.

France French (Français)

En terre inconnue

Sue essuie des déconvenues amoureuses, tandis que Mike broie du noir. Axl, qui a demandé à la ville de l'aider à résoudre son problème de fourmis, reçoit de mauvaises nouvelles...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Crisi di mezza età

Frankie chiede al reverendo TimTom di scoprire perché Mike è distante; e Sue invita Brick a farle visita al college, ma lei lo perde dopo essersi imbattuto nel bel ragazzo di Abercrombie. Nel frattempo, Axl e Hutch si lamentano con la città di un'infestazione di formiche.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Frankie HeckPatricia Heaton
Mike HeckNeil Flynn
Axl HeckCharlie McDermott
Sue HeckEden Sher
Brick HeckAtticus Shaffer

Guest Stars

Reverend TimTomPaul Hipp
KennyTommy Bechtold
HutchAlphonso McAuley
LoganDavid Hull
LandlordMark L. Taylor
Purdue GuyHawk D'Onofrio


DirectingDirectorLee Shallat Chemel