CSI: Crime Scene Investigation · Episode 6x10 'Still Life'

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The CSI's are called out to investigate the disappearance of a boy whose father died four years ago. Soon a couple is arrested at a convenience store with a boy matching the description of the missing kid. The only problem is they both claim it is their son. Both parents have exactly the same picture of the boy, with a scar on exactly the same place on his face. They hope a DNA-test could confirm who the real parents are, but when this information comes to light, it lead to another bizarre twist, possibly murder.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Eine junge Mutter behauptet, ihr Kind sei verschwunden. Als jedoch das Kind gefunden wird, stellt sich heraus, dass es gar nicht ihr Kind ist und sie psychisch krank ist.

France French (Français)


Alors qu'elle pique-nique dans un parc, Karen Matthews s'aperçoit que son fils Jesse vient d'échapper à sa vigilance. Elle signale aussitôt sa disparition à la police qui commence à le rechercher activement. L'enfant est bientôt retrouvé dans un supermarché en compagnie d'un couple qui prétend être ses vrais parents.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il rapimento
First Aired
TMDb 87% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 785 (more information on website)


Gil GrissomWilliam Petersen
Catherine WillowsMarg Helgenberger
Warrick BrownGary Dourdan
Nick StokesGeorge Eads
Sara SidleJorja Fox
Greg SandersEric Szmanda
Al RobbinsRobert David Hall
Jim BrassPaul Guilfoyle

Guest Stars

David HodgesWallace Langham
Faye MatthewsRutanya Alda
Valerie EspositoLori Alan
Connor DalyKevin Durand
Warren MatthewsCharles Napier
Karen MatthewsHeather Stephens
HousekeeperBunnie Rivera
Victor EspositoJonathan Nichols-Navarro
ClerkPatrick Malone
Ken McCrackenJonathan Chapin
Jesse / AdamJohn De Vito
Kelly GordonAimee Graham
Sofia CurtisLouise Lombard
Wendy SimmsLiz Vassey
Archie JohnsonArchie Kao
Paula FrancisPaula Francis
Andy AkersLarry Sullivan


CrewStuntsCaryn Mower
DirectingDirectorRichard J. Lewis
ProductionExecutive ProducerJerry Bruckheimer
William Petersen