Psych · Episode 5x10 'Extradition II: The Actual Extradition Part'

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Shawn and Gus return to Vancouver to visit their old nemesis Despereaux in prison at the felon's request, who then uses them to escape and pull one last job before he is extradited to the United States. Only while he is out, he is framed for the murder of a Crown Attorney and now asks the guys for help clearing his name of this most recent – and frankly unseemly – charge.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Kanada II: Shawns & Gus’ wilde Fortsetzung

Auf Bitte des Verbrechers reisen Shawn und Gus nach Vancouver, um ihren alten Rivalen Despereaux im Gefängnis zu besuchen. Diesen Gefallen nutzt der Häftling aus, um zu fliehen und einen letzten Auftrag auszuführen, bevor er an die USA ausgeliefert wird.

France French (Français)

En cabane au Canada

Shawn et Gus retournent à Vancouver, pour rendre visite à Despereaux en prison...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il ladro gentiluomo

Shawn e Gus tornano a Vancouver quando Desperaux scappa di prigione e chiede aiuto ai due per riabilitare il suo nome.

First Aired
TMDb 87% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Shawn SpencerJames Roday Rodriguez
Burton GusterDulé Hill
Carlton LassiterTimothy Omundson
Juliet O'HaraMaggie Lawson
Karen VickKirsten Nelson
Henry SpencerCorbin Bernsen

Guest Stars

Buzz McNabSage Brocklebank
Pierre DespereauxCary Elwes
Valeria CrossleyVenus Terzo
LisaCatherine Lough Haggquist
ValetJeffrey Kaiser
Martin SewellRobert Hayley
Older LadyMaggie Sullivun
EmployeeMax Kashetsky
Detective BreitlingRobert Weiss
Frank CrossleyPhillip Mitchell
Security GuardKevin Crofton
Ed DykstraEd Lauter
Robert MackintoshPeter Oldring


DirectingDirectorSteve Franks