Psych · Episode 5x14 'The Polarizing Express'

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Due to an unlawful entry into a criminals property, Shawn gets suspended from his consultant postition and gets Henry fired from his position at the SBPD at the same time. Shawn has a series of Scrooge type dreams where Tony Cox is his 'spirit guide'.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Ist das Leben nicht Shawn?

Shawns ganz spezielle Art führt zu Komplikationen in einem hochaufgehängten Fall. Um auf Nummer sicher zu gehen, wird er von den Ermittlungen gegen Czarsky, einen König der Unterwelt, ausgeschlossen.

France French (Français)

Grosse bêtise

Après avoir provoqué l'éviction d'Henry, Shawn dresse la liste des points faibles et des points forts de Santa Barbara...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Viaggio introspettivo

Shawn comincia a chiedersi come sarebbe stata la città se lui non fosse mai ritornato dopo che per sbaglio fa licenziare Henry e il team da un caso molto importante.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 965 (more information on website)


Shawn SpencerJames Roday Rodriguez
Burton GusterDulé Hill
Carlton LassiterTimothy Omundson
Juliet O'HaraMaggie Lawson
Karen VickKirsten Nelson
Henry SpencerCorbin Bernsen

Guest Stars

Buzz McNabSage Brocklebank
SelfTony Cox
Young ShawnSkyler Gisondo
Juan LavaJacob Vargas
StranjayKeshia Knight Pulliam
D.A. ClarkGreg Kean
Sergei CzarskyMichael Puttonen
Officer BachynskyGraem Beddoes
Captain Lane ThomasGarnet Harding
Scarred WomanMia Ingimundson
ButcherJason Griffith
Katie KarrSofia Karstens
AnferneeMeshach Peters
MechanicRick Dobran


DirectingDirectorJames Roday Rodriguez