Psych · Episode 8x5 'Cog Blocked'

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Gus is determined to solve the murder of a man whose life was strangely similar to his own. Along the way, Gus hits it off with a beautiful Private Investigator named Emanuelle. Meanwhile, Shawn realizes he's been mooching off of Gus, Henry and Juliet, so he tries desperately to make up for it.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Gus möchte anders enden

Gus ist fest entschlossen, den Möder eines Mannes zu finden, dessen Leben seinem eigenen erschreckend ähnelt.

France French (Français)

Sherlock Gus

John Russell est retrouvé mort et la police conclut vite à un suicide. Mais Gus, qui retrouve un peu son style de vie dans celui de John, ne veut pas croire au suicide et pense que l'homme a été assassiné. Il va alors prendre les devants et mener l'enquête, Shawn se retrouvant relégué au second plan.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il sosia di Gus

Gus è determinato a risolvere l'omicidio di un uomo la cui vita era stranamente simile alla sua. Lungo la strada, Gus si imbatte in una bella investigatrice privata di nome Emanuelle. Nel frattempo, Shawn si rende conto di aver approfittato di Gus, Henry e Juliet e cerca disperatamente di rimediare.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 8 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 756 (more information on website)


Shawn SpencerJames Roday Rodriguez
Burton GusterDulé Hill
Carlton LassiterTimothy Omundson
Juliet O'HaraMaggie Lawson
Karen VickKirsten Nelson
Henry SpencerCorbin Bernsen

Guest Stars

BartenderAleks Paunovic
Woody StrodeKurt Fuller
EmanuelleKali Hawk
Mr. GrouseVincent Gale
Quan PhungFane Tse
Mr. LatrekKen Tremblett
ArleneLuvia Petersen
VladimirJason Simpson
HostessOlivia Ryan Stern
Office GalKate Dion-Richard
Office GalJoy Castro
CopWilliam Valenzuela
CopMax Boateng
Thrown ManDan Vaida
Suited GentlemanLuke Adam Cave
JanitorJohn Vye


DirectingDirectorBrad Turner