The A-Team · Episode 1x3 'Pros and Cons'

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B.A.'s friend is held in a prison where the warden holds fight-to-the-death-boxing matches whose winner receives short-lived freedom.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Auf Leben und Tod

Jose, ein alter Freund von B.A., sitzt im Gefängnis. Dort lässt der sadistische Gefängnisdirektor die Insassen in Boxkämpfen auf Leben und Tod gegeneinander antreten.

France French (Français)

Les Gladiateurs

Un groupe d'associés, victime de l'agence tous risques, subit de grosses pertes financières. Ils demandent au major Douglas Kyle et à ses mercenaires d'éliminer tous les membres de l'agence moyennant 4 millions de dollars. Ils seront l'un après l'autre kidnappés...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Pro e contro

Hannibal, P.E. e Murdock si fanno arrestare per infiltrarsi nella prigione di Strykersville e aiutare un amico di B.A che vi è rinchiuso. Il governatore della prigione costringe, infatti, i detenuti a sfidarsi in incontri all'ultimo sangue, per poi lasciar fuggire il vincitore e farlo uccidere dai secondini.

First Aired
TMDb 66% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb 75% · 486 (more information on website)


John 'Hannibal' SmithGeorge Peppard
Templeton 'Faceman' PeckDirk Benedict
B.A. BaracusMr. T
'Howling Mad' MurdockDwight Schultz
Amy Amanda AllenMelinda Culea

Guest Stars

Jackhammer JacksonKen Norton
JoeyMeeno Peluce
Deputy SneedPaul Koslo
SheriffHugh Gillin
Dr. Marian EricsonElsa Raven
Warden BealeClifton James
Jase TataroWilliam Smith
Lt. TraskRed West
DekeMichael Greene
AndréPhil Proctor
DeputyRandal Patrick
Guard #1Duane Tucker
Guard #2Nicholas Shields
Guard #3Eddy C. Dyer
Maitre D'David A. Penhale


CameraDirector of PhotographyBradley B. Six
Costume & Make-UpMakeup ArtistScott H. Eddo
DirectingDirectorRon Satlof
EditingEditorGloryette Clark