Monk · Episode 2x12 'Mr. Monk and the T.V. Star'
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After visiting the set of the hit TV series Crime Lab S.F. during a celebration of its one hundredth episode, Monk suspects the show's star, Brad Terry, of murdering his ex-wife so he won't have to share his huge new paychecks with her. But the actor's alibi seems solid--he was with photographers when the victim's screams were heard. To complicate matters, a fan confesses to the crime and Terry passes a lie detector test. After Terry invites the captain, Disher, and Sharona--but not Monk--to a party, Monk realizes that Terry reminds him of a popular boy who treated him the same way in sixth grade and begins to doubt his own instincts. But when Stottlemeyer invites Monk to hear Marci's confession, Monk's doubts shift to Marci's story. When she tells him that Terry's ex-wife was once an actress who made a single B movie, Monk has the clue he needs to solve the crime.
German (Deutsch)
Monk verdächtigt den Star einer erfolgreichen Krimiserie, seine Ex-Frau getötet zu haben. Das einzige Problem bei der Sache ist das hieb- und stichfeste Alibi des Schauspielers. Mit Sarah Silverman.
French (Français)
L'ex-femme de Brad Terry, un animateur-vedette de la télévision, a été poignardée chez elle. Monk ne partage pas l'avis de la police qui pense qu'il s'agit d'un vol avec effraction ayant mal tourné.
Italian (Italiano)
L'ex-moglie di una famosa star di un popolare show poliziesco viene uccisa a coltellate in casa sua, mentre lui era in giardino a parlare con dei giornalisti e dei paparazzi. Monk indaga e crede che sia stato proprio lui a commettere il delitto.
- First Aired
- Ratings
- TMDb 78% · 12 (more information on website)
- IMDb 81% · 1,270 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Adrian Monk | Tony Shalhoub |
Leland Stottlemeyer | Ted Levine |
Randall Disher | Jason Gray-Stanford |
Sharona Fleming | Bitty Schram |
Guest Stars
Character | Person |
Reporter | Brooke Burke |
Brad Terry | Billy Burke |
Lee on 'Crime Lab S.F.' | Vic Chao |
Laurie | Stacey Scowley |
Marci Maven | Sarah Silverman |
Benjy Fleming | Kane Ritchotte |
J | Lara Wickes |
Dr. Charles Kroger | Stanley Kamel |
Susan Malloy | Nicole Forester |
Dustin Sheers | Jeffrey Vincent Parise |
TV Director | Charles Dougherty |
Barfly | Clint Culp |
Assistant Director | Dave Matos |
Script Supervisor | Cameron Meyer |
Sound Editor | Michael Alexander Newman |
Senator | Albert Owens |
Sgt. Green | Ed Fusco |
1st Paparazzi | Eric Gelman |
Yoga Instructor | Val Sklar Robinson |
Rookie Cop (uncredited) | Mark Atkinson |
Crime Lab S.F. Assistant Director (uncredited) | Curt Clendenin |
Department | Job | Person |
Directing | Director | Randall Zisk |
Writing | Writer | Tom Scharpling |