Monk · Episode 2x9 'Mr. Monk and the 12th Man'

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Faced with a string of nine brutal murders, all with different MOs and no apparent similarities among the victims, Captain Stottlemeyer calls in Monk to help him investigate. Suspicion falls at first on Henry Smalls, an insurance agent whose calendars appear in three of the victims' photographs. But as Monk, accompanied by Sharona and her new boyfriend, Deputy Mayor Kenny Shale, waits in the dark for Smalls to return home, he helplessly witnesses a fatal stabbing in which the suspect becomes the victim. Rushing after the murderer, who is wearing a ski mask, Monk tries futilely to subdue him, but all he's able to discover is that the murderer bites his fingernails. As the number of victims rises to eleven, the diversity of the victims, combined with the fact that they all live in Marin County, suddenly causes both Monk and Stottlemeyer to realize that they're all members of a jury. The ensuing investigation leads them to a six-year-old personal injury case, won by the plaintiff, who is

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und der 12. Geschworene

Monk soll helfen, eine Mordserie aufzuklären, bei der die Polizei nicht weiterkommt, bevor der Killer erneut zuschlägt.

France French (Français)

Monk et le douzième homme

L'employé d'un poste de péage est assassiné pendant son service. A l'autre bout de la ville, une femme est tuée dans un cinéma. Ces deux victimes viennent accroître le nombre d'homicides mystérieux perpétrés depuis des semaines dans le secteur.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e il 12° uomo

Monk è chiamato ad indagare su una serie di omicidi seriali, trovando un collegamento tra le vittime prima che il killer colpisca ancora.

First Aired
TMDb 74% · 12 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 1,204 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford
Sharona FlemingBitty Schram

Guest Stars

Dr. Charles KrogerStanley Kamel
Uniform CopDavid Stanford
Kenny ShaleJerry Levine
Stewart BabcockEd Marinaro
Ian AgnewBilly Gardell
Mrs. LingLauren Tom
Tommy ZimmDavid Figlioli
Frank PulaskiJimmy Shubert
Lisa BabcockDeborah Zoe
TraineeChris Owen
Police SpokespersonDougald Park
Arlene CarneyShea Broom
Theater ManagerJustin Connor
DetectiveOwen Smith
Traffic CopJ.D. Murray
Delivery BoyFrank Potter


DirectingDirectorMichael Zinberg