Monk · Episode 3x6 'Mr. Monk and the Girl Who Cried Wolf'

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It's Sharona's turn to be terrified. After several frightening and mysterious encounters with a blood-soaked man that no one else can see, she begins to doubt her own sanity, and Stottlemeyer advises Monk to give her time off to restore her nerves. Monk is left with an irritating substitute nurse whose philosophy is the opposite of Sharona's: everything from Monk's requests for wipes to the obsessively systematic organization of his refrigerator has to go. Wanting Sharona back again, Monk goes to the garage where Sharona first saw the blood-soaked man and finds a clue--the silver tip from the toe of a cowboy boot. Meanwhile Sharona, who is attending a night class in creative writing, apparently forgets to turn in an assignment and seems to be misplacing objects. But when her writing instructor's husband dies of a heart attack after eating tomato soup, Sharona recognizes the plot of her missing story and realizes that she's not crazy. All she and Monk have to do now is tie together the...

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und Sharonas Besuch aus dem Jenseits

Eine Reihe merkwürdiger Ereignisse stellen Sharonas Verstand auf die Probe. Oder ist sie tatsächlich verrückt geworden?

France French (Français)

Sharona perd la tête

Lorsqu'un homme ensanglanté s'approche de Sharona dans un parking, celle-ci demande l'aide de Monk qui l'attend à l'extérieur. Lorsqu'ils retournent ensemble, quelques instants plus tard, au même endroit, celui-ci a disparu. La police ne trouve aucun indice susceptible de prouver les dires de Sharona. Stottlemeyer suggère à Monk de donner quelques jours de vacances à Sharona qui est visiblement surmenée.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e le visioni di Sharona

Sharona vede un uomo pugnalato che poi scompare. All'inizio crede di essere pazza, ma Monk scopre che non è così.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 10 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 1,398 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford

Guest Stars

Sharona FlemingBitty Schram
Meredith PremingerEmma Caulfield
Harold KrenshawTim Bagley
Benjy FlemingKane Ritchotte
Varla DavisNiecy Nash-Betts
Denny GrafEdward Kerr
TrevorDavid Lee Russek
BillyVictor McCay
Max PremingerTodd Allen
CSI TechAndrea Johnson
Computer OfficerTang Nguyen
Eddie (uncredited)Gavin Black
Dr. Charles KrogerStanley Kamel

