Monk · Episode 8x15 'Mr. Monk and the End (1)'

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Monk is called to a murder at the location where he first heard of his wife's murder, and while Monk figures out who the assassin is, he doesn't know that the one who ordered the hit is also responsible for the death of Trudy. Knowing that Monk will eventually put all the pieces together, he orders Monk's death, and when all hope seems lost, Monk discovers something which could finally end his 12-year nightmare.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Mr. Monk und Trudys Erbe (1)

Ein Verbrechen führt Monk an den Ort, an dem er vom gewaltsamen Tod seiner Frau erfuhr. Er beginnt mit den wichtigsten Ermittlungen seines Lebens.

France French (Français)

Monk s’en va… 1ère Partie

Monk doit se rendre sur la scène d’un crime au même endroit où il avait reçu la nouvelle de la mort de sa femme et se lance dans l’enquête la plus importante de sa vie.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il signor Monk e la fine (prima parte)

Il signor Monk scopre di essere stato avvelenato da un complice nell'omicidio della defunta moglie Trudy. Ha solo tre giorni di vita a causa di un avvelenamento, ordinato da il "Giudice", e il terzo giorno decide di aprire il regalo che Trudy gli aveva fatto 12 anni fa, ma per lui "impossibile" da aprire. Vi trova una videocassetta, dove Trudy rivela di avere un segreto che riguarda la sua vita molto prima di conoscere Monk.

First Aired
TMDb 75% · 6 (more information on website)
IMDb 91% · 1,490 (more information on website)


Adrian MonkTony Shalhoub
Leland StottlemeyerTed Levine
Randall DisherJason Gray-Stanford
Natalie TeegerTraylor Howard

Guest Stars

Judge Ethan RickoverCraig T. Nelson
Julie TeegerEmmy Clarke
Mrs. RickoverMary Beth Evans
Dr. Neven BellHéctor Elizondo
Dr. Malcolm NashEd Begley Jr.
Edie KazarinskiShelly Cole
Dr. Matthew ShulerD.B. Woodside
Trudy MonkMelora Hardin
Lt. Steven AlbrightCasper Van Dien
Nurse FitzgeraldSarah Rush
Joe KazarinskyJohn Edward Lee
HousekeeperAna Teresa Sosa
Undercover CopArnaud Peiny
First DetectiveBrian Hatton
Second DetectiveChuck Ashworth
Hooded ScientistEd Fusco
Second JudgeJohn Knox
RonnieMario Di Donato
Nurse (uncredited)Yuki Bird
Passenger (uncredited)Cole Coleman
Courtroom Spectator (uncredited)Rick Dean


DirectingDirectorRandall Zisk