Star Trek · Episode 1x25 'The Devil in the Dark'

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Kirk investigates a series of grisly murders on a mining planet that are the work of a seemingly hostile alien creature.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Horta rettet ihre Kinder

In einem Bergwerk auf Janus 6 kommen immer wieder Minenarbeiter ums Leben. Bei den Ermittlungen stoßen Kirk, McCoy und Spock auf Tausende von Siliziumknollen und ein quallenartiges Wesen, das sie verteidigt.

France French (Français)

Les Mines de Horta

L'équipage est appelé à la rescousse par la colonie minière de Janus VI, dont les mineurs sont décimés par une créature inconnue.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il mostro dell'oscurità

Indagando su una sconosciuta minaccia che continua ad uccidere minatori e danneggiare macchinari su Janus VI, Kirk e Spock scoprono una creatura minerale con cui il Vulcaniano esegue una rivelatrice fusione mentale.

First Aired
TMDb 79% · 47 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


James T. KirkWilliam Shatner
SpockLeonard Nimoy
Dr. McCoyDeForest Kelley
ScottJames Doohan
SuluGeorge Takei
UhuraNichelle Nichols

Guest Stars

Lt. Leslie (uncredited)Eddie Paskey
Chief Engineer VanderbergKen Lynch
Ed AppelBrad Weston
SchmitterBiff Elliot
Lt. Commander GiottoBarry Russo
The HortaJanos Prohaska
HarrisonRon Veto
Lt. OsborneFrank da Vinci


ArtArt DirectionRolland M. Brooks
Walter M. Jefferies
Property MasterIrving A. Feinberg
Set DecorationMarvin March
CameraDirector of PhotographyGerald Perry Finnerman
Costume & Make-UpCostume DesignWilliam Ware Theiss
HairstylistVirginia Darcy
Makeup ArtistFred B. Phillips
CrewSpecial EffectsJim Rugg
DirectingAssistant DirectorGregg Peters
DirectorJoseph Pevney
EditingEditorFabien D. Tordjmann
ProductionCastingJoseph D'Agosta
SoundMusicAlexander Courage
Sound EditorDoug Grindstaff
Sound MixerCarl Daniels