Chicago Fire · Episode 10x5 'Two Hundred'

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Casey makes a life-altering decision. Gallo, Ritter and Violet agree to an interview and photo shoot. Brett and Mouch launch the paramedicine program. Cruz comes closer to fatherhood.

Germany German (Deutsch)


In der 200. Serienepisode trifft Casey eine große Entscheidung. Gallo, Ritter und Violet geben ein Interview mit Fotoshooting. Brett und Mouch starten derweil mit dem Paramedizin-Programm.

France French (Français)

De grands changements

Casey prend une décision qui va changer sa vie. Gallo, Ritter et Violet se mettent d'accord pour faire une interview et une séance photo. Brett et Mouch lancent le programme de para-médecine. Cruz se rapproche de la paternité.

Italy Italian (Italiano)


Casey prende una decisione che potrebbe cambiare del tutto la sua vita. Gallo, Ritter e Violet accettano di partecipare a un'intervista con servizio fotografico annesso.

First Aired
TMDb 82% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb 84% · 358 (more information on website)


Kelly SeverideTaylor Kinney
Christopher HerrmannDavid Eigenberg
Joe CruzJoe Miñoso
Randy 'Mouch' McHollandChristian Stolte
Stella KiddMiranda Rae Mayo
Darren RitterDaniel Kyri
Violet MikamiHanako Greensmith
Sylvie BrettKara Killmer
Wallace BodenEamonn Walker
Blake GalloAlberto Rosende

Guest Stars

Matthew 'Matt' CaseyJesse Spencer
Griffin DardenCameron Scott Roberts
ADC Adam PerryJames MacDonald
SaraRengin Altay
LynnTiana Belle
Brennan PerryZachary Fewkes
JoanBarbara Simpson
NursePatti Vasquez
Father AnthonyDennis Grimes
Charles DeWittBenny Elledge
CaraHalie Robinson
Queen CleopatraMelody Betts
Trudy PlattAmy Morton
Captain Tom Van MeterTim Hopper
TonyAnthony Ferraris
Kylie EstevezKatelynn Shennett
Chloe CruzKristen Gutoskie
Harold CappRandy Flagler


CameraDirector of PhotographyLisa Wiegand
DirectingDirectorReza Tabrizi
EditingEditorChristine Yoon
ProductionCo-Executive ProducerRebecca McGill