Chicago Fire · Episode 4x20 'The Last One for Mom'

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Firehouse 51 unites to help a young boy in tragic circumstances. A high-powered political consultant helps Casey navigate a potential scandal. Cruz makes a mistake that nearly costs him his life.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Die Feuerwache 51 hilft einem kleinen Jungen unter tragischen Umständen. Ein hochkarätiger politischer Berater hilft Casey, einen möglichen Skandal zu vermeiden. Cruz macht einen Fehler, der ihn fast das Leben kostet.

France French (Français)

Une journée dans la vie d'un héros

Severide continue de surveiller le fi ls d’Holloway alors qu’elle témoigne dans le cadre de son infiltration.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Per mamma

Severide tiene d'occhio il figlio della Detective Holloway, chiamato a testimoniare in tribunale. Intanto, Cruz commette un errore e mette in pericolo la sua vita.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb 89% · 477 (more information on website)


Kelly SeverideTaylor Kinney
Matthew 'Matt' CaseyJesse Spencer
Christopher HerrmannDavid Eigenberg
Joe CruzJoe Miñoso
Randy 'Mouch' McHollandChristian Stolte
Gabriela DawsonMonica Raymund
Sylvie BrettKara Killmer
Wallace BodenEamonn Walker
Brian 'Otis' ZvonecekYuriy Sardarov
Jessica 'Chili' ChiltonDora Madison
Jimmy BorelliSteven R. McQueen

Guest Stars

Stella KiddMiranda Rae Mayo
Susan WellerLauren Stamile
Detective Bianca HollowayJenny Mollen
J.J.Maxwell Jenkins
Emma CrowleyBarbara Eve Harris
Al NelsonMichael Weber
Mary HollowayJaclyn Hennell
SallyViolet Hicks
OliviaErica Bittner
Liz BrexelRainbow Dickerson
LucasTimothy Hull
ArmandJoseph Fleetfoot Sada
KateGrier Burke
Sally (Prosthetic Double)Sophia Hubert
GaiaArti Ishak
Will HalsteadNick Gehlfuss
TonyAnthony Ferraris
Harold CappRandy Flagler


DirectingDirectorFred Berner