Chicago Fire · Episode 8x1 'Sacred Ground'

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The mattress factory fire spirals out of control. Truck and squad lay it on the line in hopes of getting the trapped victims out alive.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Frische Wunden

Das Feuer in der Matratzenfabrik gerät außer Kontrolle. Truck und Trupp setzen alles daran, die eingeschlossenen Opfer lebend zu befreien.

France French (Français)

Un lieu sacré

Le feu de l'usine de matelas devient hors de contrôle. Le camion et le squad se battent pour sortir les victimes, encore piégées, en vie.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Terreno sacro

Otis perde la vita nell'incendio alla fabbrica dei materassi, lasciando un grande vuoto all'interno della caserma.

First Aired
TMDb 90% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb 89% · 566 (more information on website)


Kelly SeverideTaylor Kinney
Matthew 'Matt' CaseyJesse Spencer
Christopher HerrmannDavid Eigenberg
Joe CruzJoe Miñoso
Randy 'Mouch' McHollandChristian Stolte
Stella KiddMiranda Rae Mayo
Sylvie BrettKara Killmer
Wallace BodenEamonn Walker
Blake GalloAlberto Rosende
Emily FosterAnnie Ilonzeh

Guest Stars

Darren RitterDaniel Kyri
Brian 'Otis' ZvonecekYuriy Sardarov
Kyle SheffieldTeddy Sears
Chad CollinsAustin Peck
Hope JacquinotEloise Mumford
Chief Bruce AmshenRoderick Peeples
Chief WalkerSteve Chikerotis
Harold CappRandy Flagler


DirectingDirectorReza Tabrizi