Scrubs · Episode 4x3 'My New Game'

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Dr. Cox is having issues with Jordan, since Ted revealed that they are still technically married due to some filing problems. J.D. has problems of his own as he can't shake off the tag of Co-Chief Resident the Janitor assigned to him, while Elliot keeps the Chief Resident tag. Elsewhere, Turk begins to doubt his abilities after letting a patient die and isn't helped, when he finds out J.D. has no confidence in him either. Dr. Cox and Molly spar about her involvement in his patients.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Meine Schmach

Die Freude über seine Beförderung währt nur kurz, denn bald kommt heraus, dass wegen einer internen Regelung nur Elliott diesen Titel tragen kann. J.D. hingegen darf sich nur 'Co-Chefassistenzarzt' nennen. Ein schwerer Schlag für ihn, wurden doch gerade erst die 10.000 Visitenkarten mit seinem neuen Titel geliefert.

France French (Français)

Mon nouveau jeu

Apprendre soudain qu'ils sont toujours mariés sème la discorde entre Perry et Jordan, filant le parfait amour divorcés. Après une opération ratée, Turk perd confiance en lui. A l'inverse, JD, promu co-chef des internes, jouit pleinement de son statut de responsable. Pendant ce temps, Molly continue de distiller ses conseils psy à tout l'hôpital...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Il mio nuovo gioco

Il Dr. Cox e Jordan vengono a sapere da Ted che il loro divorzio non è valido perché hanno firmato dei documenti sbagliati. Intanto J.D. passa il tempo a regalare soldi (per dimostrare che come supervisore guadagna di più) e con il suo nuovo gioco, ovvero "insassare" le persone. L'inserviente però vuole precisare che il dottor Dorian è solo il co-supervisore e ben presto la voce si sparge per tutto l'ospedale.

First Aired
TMDb 83% · 7 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


John 'J.D.' DorianZach Braff
Christopher TurkDonald Faison
Perry CoxJohn C. McGinley
Elliot ReidSarah Chalke
Carla EspinosaJudy Reyes
Bob KelsoKen Jenkins
JanitorNeil Flynn

Guest Stars

Ted BucklandSam Lloyd
ToddRobert Maschio
Miss MyersBronwen Booth
Mrs. CovelloJody Carter
Councilman DonovanGarrett Donovan
Dr. LemmonBrogan Roche
Softball PlayerSteven Montfort
Dr. Molly ClockHeather Graham
RandallMartin Klebba
LonnieMichael Hobert
Jordan SullivanChrista Miller
ResidentMichael Cotter


CameraDirector of PhotographyJohn Inwood
DirectingDirectorKen Whittingham
EditingEditorJohn Michel