Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 1x4 'The Faithful'

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Goren and Eames investigate the death of church sexton Morris Abernathy but soon find their chief suspect, Kevin Donovan, dead in his apartment. After realising that someone performed last rites over Donovan's body, the police realise that a priest was involved in the murder, and are led to a priest who has been desperately trying to keep a twenty-year-old secret hidden. Goren risks the prosecution's case by protecting an innocent third party who could lose everything if their own secret comes out.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Ein heiliges Geheimnis

Morris Abernathy, der Küster der Saint Justins Church, ist tot in der Kirche aufgefunden worden.

France French (Français)

Requiem pour un assassin

Kevin Donovan, un jeune punk, et Howard, un sans-abri, se disputent dans l'église Saint-Justin. Morris Abernathy, le sacristain, se retrouve pris dans l'altercation.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

La forza della fede

Le indagini sulla morte di Morris Abernathy, sacrestano cattolico, portano a sospettare di Kevin Donovan, ladro e tossicodipendente che lavorava per la chiesa. L'uomo viene però rinvenuto cadavere all'interno della sua abitazione. Intanto i conti della chiesa presentano diverse incongruenze.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 2 (more information on website)


Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Ron CarverCourtney B. Vance
James DeakinsJamey Sheridan

Guest Stars

Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Declan MartellTracy Howe
Michael McShaleMichael O'Keefe
Father CapannaPeter McRobbie
Kevin DonovanAlex Feldman
Chiggy RiosRenoly Santiago
Melanie GrassoDana Reeve
Father DellDavid Leary
Morris AbernathyStephen McKinley Henderson
Clarissa AbernathyStacy Highsmith
Mrs. WhitlockPatricia O'Connell
Marg ClearyJo Twiss
Carlos RiosSanto Fazio
Sheridan BeckworthRoy Thinnes
HowardMichael Ornstein
WinsleyJim Bracchitta
Sister Mary AgnesAngela Pietropinto
Slim JimRony Clanton
HectorMichael Rivera
RonnieStuart Rudin
ToddTom Cappadona
Evidence OfficerDeacon Ledges
TellerTia Dionne Hodge
Police OfficerWilliam H. Burns
GuardJoseph La Rocca
NurseMaria Leventis
Cart GuyMick O'Rourke


DirectingDirectorConstantine Makris