Law & Order: Criminal Intent · Episode 9x2 'Loyalty (Part 2)'

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With an illegal arms deal and a hunt for Somali terrorists hanging in the balance, Detectives Goren, Eames, Nichols and newcomer Stevens combine resources in an attempt to bring justice.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Blutspur (2)

France French (Français)

Raison d'état (2)

La section criminelle poursuit malgré tout leurs efforts pour retrouver l'assassin de leur collègue. Mais l'un d'entre est officiellement écarté de l'enquête.

First Aired
TMDb 90% · 1 (more information on website)
IMDb 86% · 349 (more information on website)

Guest Stars

Robert GorenVincent D'Onofrio
Alexandra EamesKathryn Erbe
Zach NicholsJeff Goldblum
Serena StevensSaffron Burrows
Elizabeth RodgersLeslie Hendrix
Kenny MoranMike Pniewski
Sayid Abdullah HassanAto Essandoh
Jan Van DekkerJohn Sharian
Wendy StahlAmy Landecker
Stanley MaasDavid Zayas
Russell MilgramAllen McCullough
KhadraDola Rashad
Jill PeakJicky Schnee
Ron HegelScott Whitehurst
R.J. PatelSean T. Krishnan
AssassinBabs Olusanmokun
PiaggiDavid Forsyth
GuardMichael Bakkensen
ClerkRyan Shams
Somali Boat CaptainMario D'Leon
Police OfficerLoydeen Pulsifer


DirectingDirectorJean de Segonzac