NCIS · Episode 12x8 'Semper Fortis'

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While the NCIS team investigates the cause of a hit and run accident that resulted in the death of a Petty Officer, Gibbs searches for a way to clear a Navy Hospital Corpsman, who has served two medical tours in Afghanistan, after she's indicted for illegally providing medical aid to the victims of the crash, even though the surviving victims swear by her life-saving techniques.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Die Heldin

Petty Officer JB Hicks und seine Freunde Ben und Mary verunglücken nachts mit dem Auto. Während Ben und Mary dank der schnellen Hilfe von Ex-Navy-Corpsman Anna Dillon überleben, stirbt JB.

France French (Français)

Une ancienne infirmière de la Marine, Anna Dillon, donne les premiers secours aux victimes d'un accident. Malheureusement, l'une des victimes décède et Anna est emprisonnée pour avoir prodiquer des soins sans autorisation, et donc être possiblement responsable de la mort de cet officier de la Marine.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Congedo mortale

Gibbs cerca di aiutare un ex infermiera dei marines, che rischia la galera, dopo che questa era riuscita a salvare due persone dopo un incidente, nonostante non avesse il patentino per prestare soccorso.

First Aired
TMDb 78% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb 81% · 739 (more information on website)


Leroy Jethro GibbsMark Harmon
Timothy McGeeSean Murray
Tony DiNozzoMichael Weatherly
Jimmy PalmerBrian Dietzen
Dr. Donald 'Ducky' MallardDavid McCallum
Abby SciutoPauley Perrette
Ellie BishopEmily Wickersham
Leon VanceRocky Carroll

Guest Stars

Carrie ClarkSalli Richardson-Whitfield
Anna DillonLaura Seay
Fairfax County P.D. Sergeant T. HarperDohn Norwood
Burt MooreJohann Urb
Bennett JermaineBlake Hood


DirectingDirectorDennis Smith