NCIS · Episode 21x2 'The Stories We Leave Behind'

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As NCIS mourns the loss of Ducky, the agents find comfort in working on one of his unfinished cases involving a woman whose father was dishonorably discharged from the Marines.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Während der NCIS um Ducky trauert, finden die Agenten Trost in der Arbeit an einem seiner unvollendeten Fälle, in dem es um eine Frau geht, deren Vater unehrenhaft beim US Marine Corps entlassen wurde.

France French (Français)

Adieu Ducky

Pour se remettre de la perte de Ducky, les agents du NCIS reprennent l'une de ses dernières affaires non résolues.

First Aired
TMDb 70% · 1 (more information on website)
IMDb 96% · 1,050 (more information on website)


Timothy McGeeSean Murray
Nick TorresWilmer Valderrama
Jessica KnightKatrina Law
Jimmy PalmerBrian Dietzen
Leon VanceRocky Carroll
Kasie HinesDiona Reasonover
Alden ParkerGary Cole

Guest Stars

Tony DiNozzoMichael Weatherly
Serena ZawadskiOlivia Sanabia
Allan BergerDavid Starzyk
JonesyJames Landry Hébert
SusanSelah Victor


CrewIn Memory OfDavid McCallum
DirectingDirectorMichael Zinberg