Police Squad! · Episode 1x4 'Revenge and Remorse (The Guilty Alibi)'

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Frank investigates a district judge's courtroom after it is booby-trapped with a powerful explosive. The main suspect is a recently paroled ex-convict with a history of similar bombings. Upon questioning the bomber's ex-wife, Frank and Ed find she's more interested in getting charity than the fact that her ex-husband may be up to his old tricks. Frank and Ed discover the bomber has a showgirl girlfriend on the side. She has the perfect alibi for her boyfriend, but Frank and Ed wonder if she's really just covering for him.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Gewissenlose Rache

Wer nur steckt hinter diesen vertrackten Sprengstoffanschlägen? Vorzügliche Richter und Staatsanwälte gehen dabei in die Luft. Kommissar Frank hat bereits Lunte gerochen: Sein Hauptverdächtiger ist Zündstoff-Experte Eddie. Doch wo ist der ehemalige Knacki bloß aufzutreiben?

France French (Français)

Vengeance et remords (L'alibi coupable)

Un juge est assassiné dans un attentat à la bombe au tribunal. Frank Drebin mène l'enquête. Tout accuse Eddie, un ex-détenu...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Vendetta al tritolo

Un attentato provoca la morte del giudice Maxwell ed i sospetti cadono immediatamente su Eddie Casalas, un dinamitardo che ha già scontato la sua pena, a suo tempo giudicato proprio dal giudice Maxweel.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Lt. Frank DrebinLeslie Nielsen
Captain Ed HockenAlan North
Ted OlsonEd Williams
Johnny the SnitchWilliam Duell
NarratorMarvin Miller
Abraham LincolnRex Hamilton

Guest Stars

Dr. Joyce BrotherJoyce Brothers
NorbergPeter Lupus
EddieSpencer Milligan
LanaBonnie Campbell-Britton
MimiKate O'Sullivan
Poisoned ManWilliam Shatner


CameraDirector of PhotographySherman Kunkel
DirectingDirectorPaul Krasny