Police Squad! · Episode 1x6 'Testimony of Evil (Dead Men Don't Laugh)'

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A struggling comedian owes money to the owner of a nightclub. When his body is discovered at the bottom of a cliff in a car crash, all the clues point to suicide. It is later discovered that the comedian was also a police informant on a drug ring he infiltrated at his nightclub. Frank steps in and takes the place of the deceased at the nightclub in order to gather more clues.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Im Zeichen des Bösen

Nicht mehr lange wird Joey Cocker, der Conferencier einer berühmten Nachtbar, seine dekorative weiße Rüschenbluse tragen können: Er hat bei Drogengeschäften Geld unterschlagen. Seine Chefin macht kurzen Prozess mit ihm und vergiftet ihn. Ein Fall für Lt. Drebin!

France French (Français)

Témoignage du Mal (Les cadavres ne rient pas)

Un comédien de stand-up est victime d'un accident de voiture. L'autopsie montre qu'il a été en réalité empoisonné. Drebin se charge de l'enquête et sa première piste le mène au cabaret Mr Vic's...

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Una copertura da ridere

Un cabarettista muore in circostanze misteriose. Si sospetta l'omicidio dato che questi è coinvolto in un giro di droga, ma è anche un informatore della polizia. Nel locale dove si esibisce, infatti, si ritiene che ci sia un'organizzazione criminale.

First Aired
TMDb 76% · 5 (more information on website)
IMDb 79% · 783 (more information on website)


Lt. Frank DrebinLeslie Nielsen
Captain Ed HockenAlan North
Ted OlsonEd Williams
Johnny the SnitchWilliam Duell
NarratorMarvin Miller
Abraham LincolnRex Hamilton

Guest Stars

AlTiny Ron
VicDick Miller
NorbergPeter Lupus
JoeyDanny Dayton
Dick ClarkDick Clark
Veronica RiversClaudette Nevins
WillyJerry Layne
CoronerWayne Winton
HecklerMichael Frost
MaryTessa Richarde
Stabbed ManWilliam Conrad


DirectingDirectorJoe Dante