NCIS: New Orleans · Episode 5x1 'See You Soon'

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While Pride fights for his life in the ICU, the team scours the city for the hit woman who attempted to assassinate him.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Engel des Todes

Während Pride auf der Intensivstation um sein Leben kämpft, durchkämmt das Team die Stadt nach der Frau, die ihn ermorden wollte.

France French (Français)

Ce n'est qu'un au revoir

Pendant que Pride lutte contre la mort à l'hôpital, l'équipe ratisse la ville pour trouver la femme qui a tenté de l'assassiner.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

A presto

Lasalle trova Pride in fin di vita, Amelia è ancora sulla scena del crimine, ma riesce a scappare. Grazie a Gibbs, la s quadra viene a sapere che la donna vuole vendicare la morte del marito.

First Aired
TMDb 90% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb 78% · 349 (more information on website)


Dwayne PrideScott Bakula
Christopher LaSalleLucas Black
Tammy GregorioVanessa Ferlito
Hannah KhouryNecar Zadegan
Sebastian LundRob Kerkovich
Patton 'Triple P' PlameDaryl Mitchell
Loretta WadeCCH Pounder

Guest Stars

Rita DevereauxChelsea Field
Amelia ParsonsEllen Hollman
AngelAmy Rutberg
Laurel PrideShanley Caswell
Leroy Jethro GibbsMark Harmon
FBI AgentAaron Mitchell


DirectingDirectorJames Hayman