NCIS: New Orleans · Episode 5x3 'Diplomatic Immunity'

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While NCIS investigates the murder of a Navy intelligence officer killed during a conference for foreign diplomats, the key witness cozies up to Sebastian. Also, Pride has some trouble adjusting to his new position at the agency.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Der Khalifa-Brief

France French (Français)

Immunité diplomatique

Pendant que le NCIS enquête sur le meurtre d'un officier de renseignements de la Navy lors d'une réunion diplomatique, un témoin-clé se rapproche de Sebastian. Pride, lui, doit s'adapter à son nouveau poste.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Immunità diplomatica

Mentre Pride inizia la sua nuova avventura lavorativa al Quartier Generale, un ufficiale della Marina viene ucciso in u n Luna Park.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 3 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Dwayne PrideScott Bakula
Christopher LaSalleLucas Black
Tammy GregorioVanessa Ferlito
Hannah KhouryNecar Zadegan
Sebastian LundRob Kerkovich
Patton 'Triple P' PlameDaryl Mitchell
Loretta WadeCCH Pounder

Guest Stars

CarmenIzzie Steele
Ginny YoungChristina Elizabeth Smith
Steven ThompsonReggie Lee
LeahMadison Thompson
JAG Anna PenceMaya Butler
FBI AgentAaron Mitchell


DirectingDirectorGordon Lonsdale