TV Show 'Superstore' 6 Seasons
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They're getting their shift together.
A hilarious workplace comedy about a unique family of employees at a super-sized mega store. From the bright-eyed newbies and the seen-it-all veterans to the clueless summer hires and the in-it-for-life managers, together they hilariously tackle the day-to-day grind of rabid bargain hunters, riot-causing sales and nap-worthy training sessions.
German (Deutsch)
Der junge Jonah tritt seinen neuen Job im "Cloud 9-Superstore" an. Dabei läuft nicht alles reibungslos. Dina, die stellvertretende Managerin, gewinnt beim Antrittsgespräch fälschlicherweise den Eindruck, dass der Neue sich für sie interessiere.
French (Français)
Les drôles de mésaventures des employés d'un grand magasin. Des débutants aux yeux qui brillent aux vétérans ayant déjà tout vécu, en passant par les employés d'été paumés et les managers déterminés, ils affrontent "en famille" les soucis du quotidien inhérents à la gestion d'une grande surface.
Italian (Italiano)
Amy è una diligente dipendente del Cloud 9, un superstore di St. Louis nel quale è impiegata da molti anni, che tuttavia considera la sua vita professionale monotona e priva di vivacità. Tra i suoi colleghi spiccano l'amica Cheyenne, un\'ingenua ragazza incinta, e Garrett, un paraplegico afroamericano. Al gruppo, gestito dal manager del negozio, Glenn, e dalla sua aggressiva vice, Dina, si unisce Jonah, determinato a sfruttare gli aspetti più divertenti della sua nuova esperienza lavorativa, e Mateo, che cerca di mettersi in mostra trattando il primo come un rivale.
- Aired
- from
- to
- Status
- Ended
- Episode Runtimes
- Keywords
- department store
- sitcom
- workplace comedy
- Genres
- Comedy
- Languages
- English
- Origin Countries
United States of America
- Production Countries
United States of America
- Production Companies
Universal Television
The District
- Universal Television Entertainment
- Networks
- Content Ratings / Classifications
- Ratings
- TMDb 75% · 689 (more information on website)
- IMDb 79% · 74,281 (more information on website)
Character | Person |
Jonah Simms | Ben Feldman |
Dina Fox | Lauren Ash |
Garrett McNeill | Colton Dunn |
Mateo Liwanag | Nico Santos |
Cheyenne Thompson | Nichole Sakura |
Glenn Sturgis | Mark McKinney |
Sandra Kaluiokalani | Kaliko Kauahi |
Created by
Person |
Justin Spitzer |