Superstore · Episode 3x8 'Viral Video'

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After a Cloud 9 employee posts a controversial video online, Dina enlists Cheyenne to help police the rest of the staff's social media accounts. Meanwhile, Amy learns something about Jonah that drives her to desperately pursue Instagram views, and Glenn suspects Mateo of rewards card fraud.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Virale Videos

Nachdem ein Cloud 9-Mitarbeiter ein kontroverses Video im Internet postet, rekrutiert Dina Cheyenne, um die restlichen Social Media-Accounts der Belegschaft zu überprüfen. Amy erfährt derweil etwas über Jonah, weswegen sie plötzlich verzweifelt Instagram-Views sammeln will und Glenn verdächtigt Mateo, systematischen Betrug mit Kundenkarten zu begehen.

France French (Français)

La vidéo virale

Les employés de Cloud 9 surveillent les réseaux sociaux lorsqu'une vidéo controversée est mise en ligne.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Video virale

Dopo che un'impiegata del Cloud 9 pubblica un video online, Dina inizia a monitorare gli account social del personale, mentre Amy cerca di ottenere visualizzazioni su IG.

First Aired
TMDb 72% · 9 (more information on website)
IMDb (more information on website)


Amy DubanowskiAmerica Ferrera
Jonah SimmsBen Feldman
Dina FoxLauren Ash
Garrett McNeillColton Dunn
Mateo LiwanagNico Santos
Cheyenne ThompsonNichole Sakura
Glenn SturgisMark McKinney

Guest Stars

Brett (uncredited)Jon Miyahara
JustineKelly Schumann
Browsing CustomerJackie Loeb
Older WomanHilda Boulware
Jay (uncredited)John Di Fatta
KellyKelly Stables
JeffMichael Bunin
JanetCarla Renata
MarcusJon Barinholtz
Chris (uncredited)Christopher Riordan
Heather (uncredited)Mariana Tosca
Elias (uncredited)Danny Gura
Sarah (uncredited)Selisha Shertick


DirectingDirectorKen Whittingham