Lucifer · Episode 2x4 'Lady Parts'

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After the bodies of two young L.A. transplants are found poisoned, Chloe and Lucifer hunt for the killer. Upon Maze convincing Chloe to go out for drinks, which the detective perceives as an act of friendship, but is actually part of a bet between Maze and Lucifer, the two make a shocking decision.

Germany German (Deutsch)


Lucifer macht sich Sorgen um Chloe und möchte sie mit einem Mädelsabend aufheitern. Er trommelt Linda, Ella und Maze zusammen; sie sollen feiern, trinken und Freudinnen werden. Als Chloe allerdings herausbekommt, dass es ein inszenierter Abend ist, wird sie wütend…

France French (Français)

Soirée filles

Un étrange indice conduit Chloe à un possible meurtrier. Les esprits s'échauffent lors d'une soirée entre filles. Amenadiel s'inquiète de voir ses pouvoirs s'affaiblir.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Serata tra ragazze

Lucifer e Chloe indagano sulla morte di due ragazze coinvolte nel giro di un night club e il primo consiglia alla detective di divertirsi un po' facendo una scommessa con Maze, che organizza una serata a cui poi si aggiungono anche Linda e Elle.

First Aired
TMDb 81% · 50 (more information on website)
IMDb 83% · 4,666 (more information on website)


Lucifer MorningstarTom Ellis
Chloe DeckerLauren German
Dan EspinozaKevin Alejandro
AmenadielD.B. Woodside
Mazikeen "Maze"Lesley-Ann Brandt
Ella LopezAimee Garcia
Linda MartinRachael Harris
Charlotte RichardsTricia Helfer

Guest Stars

YuriRobert Picardo
LilyAnne Leighton
Davis FitzgeraldKiko Ellsworth
Stoner LeroyJordan Connor
Butch SidekickNatasha Denis
StonerJarelle Hepburn
DonavonDonavon Stinson
GiseleMaria Meadows
ClevelandNikolai Witschl
Psychotic GirlfriendShelene Yung


CameraDirector of PhotographyStefan von Bjorn
CrewStunt CoordinatorRob Hayter
StuntsDalias Blake
Kirk Jaques
Muratcan Savci
Shelene Yung
DirectingDirectorBen Hernandez Bray
EditingEditorMarc Pattavina