Lucifer · Episode 3x12 'All About Her'

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After Lt. Pierce's true identity is revealed, Lucifer tries to figure out his motives. In order to earn Chloe's assistance in his investigation of Pierce, Lucifer goes above and beyond to help her solve the murder of a professional surfer. Meanwhile, Amenadiel deals with a personal health issue.

Germany German (Deutsch)

Pakt mit dem Teufel

Nachdem sich Pierces wahre Identität offenbart hat, versucht Lucifer, dessen Motive zu ergründen. Um sich Chloes Unterstützung zu sichern, hängt er sich dafür richtig in den aktuellen Fall rein.

France French (Français)

La journée du lieutenant

Après avoir découvert l'identité et la malédiction accablant Pierce, Lucifer lui fait une proposition. Pendant ce temps, Amenadiel s'attaque à un problème personnel.

Italy Italian (Italiano)

Al centro dell'attenzione

Dopo aver scoperto l'identità e la situazione di Pierce, Lucifer si offre di aiutarlo a fare un accordo. Nel frattempo, Amenadiel si occupa di un problema personale.

First Aired
TMDb 80% · 37 (more information on website)
IMDb 80% · 4,154 (more information on website)


Lucifer MorningstarTom Ellis
Chloe DeckerLauren German
Dan EspinozaKevin Alejandro
AmenadielD.B. Woodside
Mazikeen "Maze"Lesley-Ann Brandt
Ella LopezAimee Garcia
Marcus PierceTom Welling
Linda MartinRachael Harris
Trixie EspinozaScarlett Estevez
Charlotte RichardsTricia Helfer

Guest Stars

Justine DobleKate Beahan
'Dangerous Doug' LibbyDonny Boaz
Wild ChildSonya Balmores
Tyler UtahRick Kelly
OrcaJess Lundgren
Johnny UtahDavid Paladino
Dr. KaminskyDavid Grant Wright
Manny 'The Moondog' TaylorJustin Johnson Cortez


DirectingDirectorTara Nicole Weyr